Comment history

nicolae says...

This is a good news. It`s important to have a profit because the equipment is very expensive. I know because I invested a lot of money on <a href="">Waste oil disposal</a> .

nicolae says...

I think that this is a good business that you could invest on. My friend told me about a <a href="">waste oil recycling</a> business and I am planning on investing some money too.

nicolae says...

It`s a great initiative. I think that it is great that it gives you the possibility to work after graduation. I did get a job while I was on college. It was difficult at the begining but I had good friends who gave me great tips of <a href="…">good time management</a>

On Standard diploma to be introduced by June 2016

Posted 31 January 2013, 10:43 a.m. Suggest removal

nicolae says...

I want to see more similar acts made by governement. It`s great that they will be helped. I think that on every school or college should exist people who can give advices or <a href="…">tips for students</a>.

On Bid to open horizons for deaf students

Posted 31 January 2013, 10:36 a.m. Suggest removal

nicolae says...

The governemnet could avoid this situation by investing on education system. I think that it could create a system that could help the people who want to go <a href="…">back to school</a>.

On Gov't 'concerned' on trained labour

Posted 31 January 2013, 10:27 a.m. Suggest removal

nicolae says...

I think it is a great initiative. All the countries should invest on education because if you have a good education you can get a good job where you can <a href="…">showcase your knowledge</a>

On Plans for deputy director of education

Posted 28 January 2013, 1:55 p.m. Suggest removal

nicolae says...

I think that every country needs a good education system. It`s good that politicians invest on education. Also the teachers should always find new ways to teach the children and help them <a href="…">stay focused</a> during classes.

On Minister hails start of new school year in GB

Posted 28 January 2013, 1:47 p.m. Suggest removal

nicolae says...

I think that the governement should search for people like <a href="">Perry Belcher</a> as advisers .They could tell them what strategy should use in order to become successful.

nicolae says...

The marketing strategy is very important for every type of business if you want to be successful. When I started my business I was searching for marketing ideas, I read a lot the blog of <a href="">Perry Belcher</a>

nicolae says...

It`s great that the governement is trying to use an alternative energy. We have to protect the environement and the new energies such as the <a href="">wind energy</a> or the solar power are the perfect alternatives.

On New government pushes green energy policy

Posted 18 January 2013, 10:09 a.m. Suggest removal