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nobodies_child says...

I’ll suggest appropriate festival ware… a one piece, doesn’t cover much but communicates in a language that translate clearly to the alpha idiots and the short of sense.…A stylish custom fit, ergonomic Holster with the full complement of accessories, Mace, Tasers Metal and Magic U know; (like when you buy a car with all the bells and whistles…..). This may help bridge the comprehension gap, then women will not have browse through their closet and dressers drawers or their moms or grand moms clothing to choosing which garment made of silk or linen will be grope, grab, rape or foolproof……
It will take pressure from all angles to transform this pervasive blame women for …… women being unsafe in the company of men idea. More must be shared but I’ll summarize #Me & U Too from baby girls to mothers who have nurtured many, the global crisis or women safety is more than an extra bit of fabric can fix.
Bahamas I beseech you to fall forward fast on this matter of the safety or women and girls, and the action and responsibilities of men. If in our country it is time to encourage the women in our communities who all year long, all lifelong plan to attend the most culturally significant ritual of our young commonwealth, and the public service announcement from our law enforcement sees fit to encourage women girls locals and visitors to darn near consider wearing sleeping bags and hope that tempers the testosterone glitch that makes the men accost their female friends, sisters, daughters and mothers…Ok all your suggesting is she’s ware a few extra yards of fabric that should work, except it don’t work all that well in the middle east and women there mind the laws of god and man regarding how they should dress as well as when and where they come and go.
Ladies like diamonds are transform from strangling black coal to crystal clear… By any means ladies Hold Safe Space, while midget mind states clear the dust and embrace, Male Consciousness Evolution…….. Men it is ok to think broader, act better, and to use your words “Man Up” cause if she’s hurt…. we’s hurt…. Men not all men, you know who you are make right your actions there is un forgivable and unforgettable pain as a consequence of your decisions, decide to be better men, it matters.
Until then ladies “Load Up + Stand Up” “Rush 2018” look out for each other.
Forward upward onward together

On Police criticised over warning on how to dress

Posted 29 December 2017, 7:28 a.m. Suggest removal

nobodies_child says...

I’ll suggest appropriate festival ware… a one piece, doesn’t cover much but communicates in a language that translate clearly to the alpha idiots and the short of sense.…A stylish custom fit, ergonomic Holster with the full complement of accessories, Mace, Tasers Metal and Magic U know; (like when you buy a car with all the bells and whistles…..). This may help bridge the comprehension gap, then women will not have browse through their closet and dressers drawers or their moms or grand moms clothing to choosing which garment made of silk or linen will be grope, grab, rape or foolproof……
It will take pressure from all angles to transform this pervasive blame women for …… women being unsafe in the company of men idea. More must be shared but I’ll summarize #Me & U Too from baby girls to mothers who have nurtured many, the global crisis or women safety is more than an extra bit of fabric can fix.
Bahamas I beseech you to fall forward fast on this matter of the safety or women and girls, and the action and responsibilities of men. If in our country it is time to encourage the women in our communities who all year long, all lifelong plan to attend the most culturally significant ritual of our young commonwealth, and the public service announcement from our law enforcement sees fit to encourage women girls locals and visitors to darn near consider wearing sleeping bags and hope that tempers the testosterone glitch that makes the men accost their female friends, sisters, daughters and mothers…Ok all your suggesting is she’s ware a few extra yards of fabric that should work, except it don’t work all that well in the middle east and women there mind the laws of god and man regarding how they should dress as well as when and where they come and go.
Ladies like diamonds are transform from strangling black coal to crystal clear… By any means ladies Hold Safe Space, while midget mind states clear the dust and embrace, Male Consciousness Evolution…….. Men it is ok to think broader, act better, and to use your words “Man Up” cause if she’s hurt…. we’s hurt…. Men not all men, you know who you are make right your actions there is un forgivable and unforgettable pain as a consequence of your decisions, decide to be better men, it matters.
Until then ladies “Load Up + Stand Up” “Rush 2018” look out for each other.
Forward upward onward together

On Police criticised over warning on how to dress

Posted 29 December 2017, 7:18 a.m. Suggest removal