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noflags says...

Yep you could become youtubers based on the next bitcoin. Embrace what you have , reap the rewards , use wisely , you are damaging the environment you live in by importing 99% of your energy in Giant tankers, lets get real and work together, people work together for a common good. Climate change will be made by the g10 , China us , India, eu . Bahamas can drive renewable from its revenues generated fro oil discover and saving costs on imported fossil fuels, be in control make a difference for your future generations

noflags says...

Meaning what ? Bpc is working for you and your government, you are 99% reliant on imported fossil fuels, bpc have been drilling for 3 weeks , has the world for you ended ? Not from the oil leak you fakers predict but from covid. Find oil stop importing 000s barrels of expensive oil and create wealth for all Bahamian and spend the profits on renewables so in 20 years your kids can be confident your oil saved the seas and bays by funding solar wind and biomass for the future

noflags says...

Please watch this and see what can be achieved and how lives can be changed for the common good

noflags says...

try this , watch what can be achieved with countries and people from around the world work together for the common good of all people and not just a few individuals, see what Sten Drilling can achieve…. if you cannot see that link its on Linkedin so logon and look.

Kevins work also shows how much goes into these projects and what can be achieved for people…

when people work together in our world they achieve much more for the greater good

noflags says...

why dont you watch this and see what can be achieved…

This is where Kevin Okyere Springfield group overviews what has been achieved for Ghana working with Stena Drilling , if you cannot get through with the link then by all means sign onto linkedin and look up Stena drilling, also look up kevin on youtube -

Kevin Okyere and Springfield Group gives 10,000 shoes to the underprivileged

BPC are doing all of this with Bahamas , its takes endless time , its complex , skillful and rewarding to all walks of life