Comment history

notacausualobserver says...

Mr. Wilson says, quotes, " We have a compliance rate that is very low" However, we will still raise the taxes. WTH, Go figure.

notacausualobserver says...

Well put. Mr. Wong. You've brought up quite a bit of concerns and issues for all parties. The thing is the government is making changes to private rental contract agreements. Is that part of the emergency powers that was empowered?
It safe to say that whatever the government spends extra during this unprecedented times, the short falls will be repaid with increased Bahamians tax dollars. No, it's not a rosey picture.
Thank you for your comments.

On Landlords ask: ‘What about us?’

Posted 1 May 2020, 6:06 p.m. Suggest removal

notacausualobserver says...

How could the Prime Minister, Put something like this in effect? No need to pay premiums, even temporarily and still be covered. The insurance company, a private concern, can't cancel, but have to honor the clients side terms of the contract, but not the other party. Illogical.

notacausualobserver says...

Refreshing to see not everyone believes Red China, Thanks. Made my day.