Comment history

notsogullible says...

I agree with "mynameis". It is definitely expected with the PLP's culture of entitlement. No matter how well something or someone is working for the post, because the holder of that post is not plp, get rid of him/her! We should not be surprised. No qualifications needed, just clear the position even if a PLP roach has to fill it.

On PM considers Bethel for prosecutor role

Posted 22 May 2012, 5:58 p.m. Suggest removal

notsogullible says...

shhhh .... don't panic! The PLP way of taking care of crime is to set the stage to create more crime to take care of the existing crime, then .... their tactics are so confusing! In just two weeks we are well on the way to becoming a global laughing stock of the western hemisphere - I guess that beats the last reputation we had under the PLP - "A nation for sale"

On PM considers Bethel for prosecutor role

Posted 22 May 2012, 5:54 p.m. Suggest removal

notsogullible says...

Interesting way to resolve the rampant crime issues and more specifically bring the murder rate down; let the murderers go free!! There has to be some method to such madness which ordinary intelligent minds cannot see but we'll have to wait to seei it, I guess

On Man accused in murder case walks free

Posted 22 May 2012, 5:50 p.m. Suggest removal

notsogullible says...

Ultimately, God is in control!

notsogullible says...

hoodwinked, run amuck and lied to, because in the PLP, they only create empty promises and scandal ...

On Did the PLP hoodwink the voters?

Posted 21 May 2012, 11:13 p.m. Suggest removal

notsogullible says...

TalRussel you are really making sense on this issue. My respect to you comrade!

notsogullible says...

Anyone else thinking about stopping their mortgage payments to take advantage of the PLP's mortgage relief plan? If you good paying citizens continue to pay, you will be taxed to help the PLP out with the mortgage relief to their chosen few. How about let's all of us seek to have the PLP rescue us from our mortgage?

notsogullible says...

Excellent letter!! Thank you so much Anita D. Bernard. I fully concur with all aspects of this letter and I too am so grateful to our outstanding Prime Minister Hubert A. Ingraham for doing all that he has done for this country. On a more partisan note, I thank our very hounourable Prime Minister Ingraham for bringing FNM's of this country to the realisation that they too can be BOLD and stand up for what they believe in. He personally taught me to never, ever again feel intimidated by the bullying victimising tactics of the PLP (which continue today). I thank him for helping me to realize that this country does not belong to the Pindlings, Christies, Hannas, Maynards, and the like of the old PLP regime and that no matter how entitled PLP's feel this country is no more theirs than it is mine. Thank you Ms. Bernard. Thank you Prime Minister Ingraham - the most honest, upright man of integrity this country's Prime Ministership has ever seen.

notsogullible says...

You obviously were not paying attention at your rallies either.

On Radio host claims victimisation

Posted 17 May 2012, 7:04 p.m. Suggest removal

notsogullible says...

To the intelligent persons writing on these blogs: I'd recommend we not acknowledge TalRussell. The PLP hate and ignorance spewing from this coward is now becoming a shameful disgrace. We can keep the conversation going outside of the comments made by Tal. To respond to this hateful ignorance is really spoiling otherwise intelligent conversation.

On Laing accuses rivals of pandering

Posted 17 May 2012, 7 p.m. Suggest removal