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notsogullible says...

ZNS radio is not the government station and so noone should be fired just because they have an opposing political view. Bahamas, we are going down ... its only week one ... the PLP is back with their old victimising venemous spirit. Intelligent Bahamians knew all along - their campaign slogan really meant "Believe in the PLP Bahamians" and they never ever intended to include anyone of opposing views. This country is on its way down ... after only one week.

On Radio host claims victimisation

Posted 15 May 2012, 7:43 p.m. Suggest removal

notsogullible says...

We must pray fervently and hope that the honourable PGC gives TAL one of those jobs he promised the PLP's who voted for him. He/She really needs work to do. Oh wait! He/She may have a job - perhaps in one of those over-staffed government agencies where no work is actually done. God we must respect your wisdom in removing the honourable HAI but we truly hoped for more time where he could continue to clean up these agencies.

On Countdown to convention begins

Posted 14 May 2012, 6:13 p.m. Suggest removal

notsogullible says...

If they do have $20 billion - half of it is going to lm, pgc, jg, am and PBD as consultation fees.

On Ingraham reveals resignation date

Posted 14 May 2012, 6:06 p.m. Suggest removal

notsogullible says...

Week one - broken promise - no minister for Exuma - Check!!

notsogullible says...

Gold rush was a much bloodier era ... you should try a little less ignorance ... red shirts have nothing to do with the crime among you natives

notsogullible says...

Keeping our feet to the fire? Check!

notsogullible says...

You should be careful how you are involving Jesus in your propaganda ... just saying ...

notsogullible says...

Calling all Bahamians, especially FNM's and other opposing views, to keep this government accountable. What's with all of the ministers. Will there be 29 MP's as ministers and other related positions? Is that where we are headed? Have they stopped the road works and the 52 week program in order to accomodate the ministerial salaries of every single PLP MP. Is Bradley Roberts the government spokesperson now? I thought he was the chairman of the PLP party and isn't government supposed to be a separate entity. He has already told the country what PGC is going to do and we have not heard from PGC yet.

notsogullible says...

let all of God's people say AMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

On Man shot dead in latest murder

Posted 13 May 2012, 11:26 p.m. Suggest removal

notsogullible says...

The name Hubert Alexander Ingraham will ALWAYS be associated with excellence of the highest order (15 years of excellence as prime minister)and no matter what he does, PGC will never be able to match it. He's had 5 years already which literally went down the toilet because of its nature and this recent victory handed to the PLP by the DNA will very likely max PGC out at 10 years as prime minister. PGC's failure at this term is already shaping up with the likes of vag, pbd, dsg at the helms of the varying ministries. Anyone else wondering what happened to the generation of new leaders that PGC surrounded himself with? Why are they suddenly not qualified to lead?