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notsogullible says...

Would Mr. PGC please identify where those 22,000 jobs are that he created. I believe that especially the thousands of people over the hill who have been unemployed since the pingdom days would like to know who received all of those jobs. That would be like ... what ... the equivalent to four or five Atlantis type establishments... thus the unemployment rate at this time (even with the global recession) would be in the single digits had all of those jobs actually been created. I say to the 22,000 - unbelievable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

notsogullible says...

Prison officers, Immigration and Custom officers ..... this insanity is what results when major PLP operatives are allowed to remain in key positions. Beloved PM, PLPism is a culture, a filthy culture, and culture doesn't change overnight - it takes generations to change. Thank God for the decency that an FNM government has brought to this country since 1992. Had the PLP remained in power till now, I believe we would be giving Haiti some serious competition when it comes to the state of affairs in this country.

On Prison staff protest

Posted 22 April 2012, 3:46 p.m. Suggest removal

notsogullible says...

It's as ill-devised as you are ill-advised. Why don't you stick with calling Hard Copy.

On Call for government to come clean on oil

Posted 22 April 2012, 3:37 p.m. Suggest removal

notsogullible says...

Anyone else feel that a permit to drill under the PLP will be beneficial only to pingdomites? Even if such an exercise (to drill) is inevitable, the worse government for it to happen under would be the PLP. Bahamas, WAKE UP, the PLP's key players already control MOST of all commercial wealth in this country.

On Call for government to come clean on oil

Posted 22 April 2012, 3:34 p.m. Suggest removal

notsogullible says...

I too am very suspect of who actually threw whatever it was that actually hit this special lady. PLP or FNM, it doesn't matter who she is affiliated with politically, this should never have happened. How do we know that this was not a PLP staged political stunt gone wrong. Why hasn't leader PGC actually encouraged this dear lady to press charges. Matter of fact, her family should ignore any advice not to pursue the matter because what was done was criminal and should be punished. Might they already know who has done this? Very suspect, I say.

On ‘FNM thug threw rock at gran’

Posted 22 April 2012, 3:26 p.m. Suggest removal

notsogullible says...

Anyone else feel that the PLP and DNA are actually excited about and celebrating the level of crime in this country? Is the need to be in power so overpowering and drunkening that it is drowning the need for those not in power to educate themselves about the real causes of crime? How does a government stop a jilted lover from pulling the trigger or putting a hit out on the significant other? How does a government prevent a child from playing with a weapon left so carelessly within his reach? How does a government stop a child predator from acting on his sick impulses to rape and kill a child picked up off the street? How does a government ...? I look forward to seeing the effects that the stricter measures recently passed in the house will have on dealing with those who have committed the crimes.

notsogullible says...

I agree with you Apostle. Too many seats won by any of the major parties will be dangerous to the democracy in the Bahamas and not enough (in a win by the FNM) will bring out the worse PLP demons we have EVER seen; hands down, however, the FNM has been the best government in the Bahamas post independence. Thank God we no longer have to be subjected to the practice where only PLP's get government jobs, get promoted in the government sector, get business licences and the list of evil acts go on. Even if the FNM loses this election the PLP will NEVER be able to take us back to those days. I wish more Bahamians can have this assurance because there are still way too many FNM's who are afraid to go to rallies and are afraid to speak up because of the need to feel safe should the PLP return to power. Similarly, there are way too many people who are voting PLP because of what they were made to believe in the Pindling era - that any job, BMC housing, government granted licence, etc., came directly from the great PLP and not the government. So they feel guilty voting otherwise because they don't understand that it was not the plp who granted them such favours but rather the Bahamas Government who was doing what a government is supposed to do.

On FNM 'three weeks from making history'

Posted 22 April 2012, 3:06 p.m. Suggest removal

notsogullible says...

I am so ashamed at the level of immaturity that persons like Dr. Nottage is displaying in this silly season. I recall that when the honourable PM announced his intention to walk in Bain & Grant's town, Dr. BJ responded in a rather threatening tone that he and large numbers of young men expelled from school would be "waiting for him". I think Dr. BJ, like Mr. PGC are quite an embarrassment to the already disgraced PLP party. Anyone else noticed how the PLP is now just repeating every plan presented by the FNM? Also, does anyone else see how the PLP is now very falsely accusing the FNM of all those evil deeds that they subjected the Bahamian people to before 1992?

On Nottage: PM refused to address people

Posted 22 April 2012, 2:42 p.m. Suggest removal