Comment history

observerinlondon says...

Doing the DD after deciding to plop down $65,000,000.
You might want to think about that next time you buy a whale.
Obviously off to a good start.

observerinlondon says...

Haitians are human beings just like the rest of us. If the government was acting properly, the construction of these homes should have been stopped when it first started, but it was not. The government watched from the sidelines for years and years and did nothing. By their inaction, they now have a situation caused by their very own lack of attention to what they should have been managing from the beginning. It is now way too late to evict these poor innocents from their homes. Not only that, but it is immoral, illegal and quite honestly disgusting. Evict humans from their homes, bulldoze the structures and throw them onto the streets with no plan to take care of them once you treat them like trash is not how a modern society should operate. The Bahamas best think twice about treating people this way because the world is watching. That others the way you would want to be treated yourself !

On Halt the bulldozers

Posted 31 July 2018, 4:52 a.m. Suggest removal

observerinlondon says...

A 1 year work permit? Really?
I don't know of any executive here in London who would move their family to any jurisdiction on the planet based on a 1 year permit. Make it a 5 year permit and you might have a chance. Again, consecutive Bahamian governments show how disconnected they are from the business world. That being said, with the crime levels, lack of local services, pitiful healthcare and zero opportunity for profits, who in their right mind would open a new venture in The Bahamas. Gentlemen, sun, sand and sea just don't cut it anymore.

On Gov’t unveils ‘fast track’ work permits

Posted 19 October 2017, 12:15 p.m. Suggest removal

observerinlondon says...

Hello everybody. Nothing will come of this. Wynn don't operate hotels. No expertise what so ever with operating a Caribbean resort. They don't even operate any hotels in Canada. This is just a property owner bottom fishing in The Bahamas. Zero upside for the island. Stop dreaming. Its over. Sheraton not interested. Mariott not interested. Hilton not interested. Melia not interested. Holiday Inn not interested. Sunwing gave up too. Its impossible to make money in The Bahamas. After the BahaMar fiasco do you think any business would want to invest money here? I doubt it.

observerinlondon says...

My dear Bahamian friends,
Please wake-up! Sandals are not the problem here. Nor are any of the other business owners in the Bahamas. Bahamians like all other nationalities need to realize that they are in a competitive world where capital will go to wherever it is best to make money. Productivity is an unknown concept in The Bahamas which has been missing for many many years. The government continues to ignore this with poor funding for education, poor infrastructure and a generally anti business attitude.
Unless people in government and the unions wake up to the reality of 2016, your little island will simply sink to the bottom of the ocean. Every country in the Caribbean has the same sand, same sun, same hotel rooms BUT with better service, better pricing and better food.
The clock is ticking, better wake up before Cuba eats your lunch and dinner.

observerinlondon says...

The Honorable Mr. Christie needs to come down from the clouds and look at the new reality he is faced with. He now has a distressed asset on his hands. $3 Bil asset with zero cash flow. Debt servicing costs even a Rockefeller would cringe at. The stock market is tanking. The Shanghai index has lost 20% since January 1. Trillions of wealth evaporated. Cuba is opening up. Crime in Nassau at a level never before seen.
What is Baha Mar worth today? Far south of $3 BIL. Thats for sure. Try $2 Bil. Try $1.8 Bil
Chinese to take care of Bahamian workers and contractors. Fat chance. They have one of the worse human rights records anywhere. They have a billion of there own workers to worry about.
A deal won't get done for another year.
Sorry Bahamas.

observerinlondon says...

Dear readers,
Mr Izmirlian may indeed win the battle but the war has already been lost. Because the government decided to debate this private issue in the media, the entire financial community world-wide is now fully aware of the political / economic / legal swamp that is The Bahamas. I highly doubt that The Bahamas will be able to attract new investment to the country when it is apparent there is no respect for personal property, a government that is completely disconnected from the realities of the global economy unable to manage its own affairs in a responsible way and of most worry, a court system that fails to function as it should. The Bahamas competitiveness as an investment opportunity has been mortally wounded. It is a very sad day for The Bahamas. Please help Mr. Izmirlian as he very well may be the last big investor to the Bahamas.

On I pray Izmirlian wins this contest

Posted 30 July 2015, 6:06 a.m. Suggest removal