Comment history

onlyinthebahamas says...

And now the PLP wants to implement NHI!!! Who the hell will pay for this? All of those that are hard working. It's not about given the poor people access to medial care, they already have it. Anyone can go to PMH for FREE, or maybe you pay $10.00 at the most. All medical care in the public ward is already free. The Government is now paying for it, but they want the workers to pay for it. You will be paying more taxes then, not only VAT. It also means that some people who pay for private insurance now, will not be able to afford that anymore and will move over to NHI, so you will have more people draining NHI, so after a while the workers will have to pay more again. You can also be assured that VAT will go to 10% or even more next year. Mark my word! When they see all this extra money coming in, they will have more to waste or stuff their pockets with. I doubt very much, that they will use it to pay against the debt. The VAT people advised the business to have a separate bank account for VAT. I hope the government will do the same, and open a VAT account and don't touch it, unless they pay off the debt with it. Otherwise we will just go into deeper and deeper debt. And then the ultimate will happen! The B$ will get devaluated!! Then you won't be able to afford anything anymore, except bread and water.

onlyinthebahamas says...

Please remind me what you mean by "scandal after scandal" under the FNM Government? I don't recall! I remember good things happening under the FNM, such as nice, new highways, new hospital wing, Nassau Airport, the final contract for Baha Mar, etc, etc. What does Perry Christie have to show, except failing projects during his tenure ??

onlyinthebahamas says...

I wonder if the PM, the deputy and Leslie Miller are reading all of these comments! If so, what are they thinking? That there are a lot of happy bahamians! Quit on the contrary. everyone is upset and frustrated!! What is next??? First VAT, then this Power crisis (and I'm sure we have the highest priced energy here in the Bahamas), BAMSI, the new stupid immigration laws, and then NHI in January?? How much more are we willing to take? can we take?? When will we receive some good news, from honest Politicians? Everything they say is based on lies and on twisting the truth! How can we trust these leaders? i can"t trust them! Can YOU??
How do they expect the public to have any respect for them!! It's just incredible what is going on in this country. We are much worse off then we were back in 1973. There is nothing to be proud of after 40 years of independence. We have gone down hill ever since then. That's my 5 cents!!

On BEC power station fire causes major outage

Posted 14 March 2015, 9:43 p.m. Suggest removal