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oracleoctavia says...

fixed this crap!!!

On oracleoctavia

Posted 19 July 2012, 11:12 a.m. Suggest removal

oracleoctavia says...

"There is an urgent need to map and provision a new national voyage of excellence from which all Bahamians can benefit, Mrs. Patricia Glinton-Meicholas told The College of The Bahamas 2012 Commencement Class in an address that drew applause and a standing ovation at its conclusion.

"Yet, while demonstrating the power to produce excellence in so many spheres, our country is now at war with itself," said the writer, editor and cultural advocate. "There is a battle raging in the deep socioeconomic structures of the nation. Given the alarming data emerging, it seems that a rockslide of social ills is blocking our way forward."

She went further and identified the root of the problem.

"I believe the avalanche was precipitated by the vicious journey engaged in the 1970s and 1980s�that swift ride to wealth on Colombian mules with criminality as fee for passage. The souvenirs brought home have been addiction for many, a gun culture for our youth and widely dispersed expectations of continuous liquidity and ease with minimal expenditure of personal effort."

Although she gave clear examples of progress and success - both individual and collective - that have contributed to national development, Mrs. Glinton-Meicholas shared that the road to national excellence is hindered by multiple founts of prejudice, self-interest, gender polarization, tribalism and sheer ignorance.

"Who let the dogs out? We all did," she said. "We are now thirty-nine, and have yet to understand the true meaning of nation and our individual and collective roles in building and sustaining it. The time has passed for sounding the alarm regarding our country's health. It is time to call "code blue" and bring in the crash cart for resuscitation and life support. It is no measure of excellence or reason for self-congratulation to be doing well personally in a profoundly sick society. We each hold a piece of the prescription for national wellness, but will we link them to secure the medication? The time has surely come for the journey to a truer excellence and nationhood."…

On Meeting the demand for skilled staff

Posted 27 June 2012, 9:05 p.m. Suggest removal

oracleoctavia says...

242352....Let's support this man for the good of the country No matter what party you support......Sir for the good of this country, this man should support all bahamians. For a party which agitated that they believe in can you now qualify it to say We say we believe in bahamians but we will show we believe only in those who we think are plp bahamians......This man works for the Bahamian people the only thing we are required to give him is an understanding that no!!! we will not allow for selective discriminatory actions against any bahamians by any party....enough with the excuse for in-apathy and ineptitude! Enough

oracleoctavia says...

@JT and others....on behalf of Bahamian women not this time my brudda...I don't care how foolish members of this government may be they better prosecute these two heinous villains if they truly are the culprit...speedily and lose them in fox hell Prisons. I am for forgiveness but my Father says render to Caesar what is his prosecute>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


Posted 27 June 2012, 8:55 p.m. Suggest removal