Comment history

outlier says...

I am not at all surprised to learn of this situation and what Dr. Gupta, his future wife, family and friends have had to put up with over these last few months. Prime Minister Perry Christie should be writing a certified cheque to Dr. Gupta today for the total amount of his financial losses thus far and also pay for his future wedding, that in my view, should take place in another country.

For the most part, Bahamians are a stupid, greedy lot. Lying and cheating comes naturally to them. There are no ethics that exist in their pirate-based culture. And blaming this gargantuan Baha Mar mess on the developers, investors and foreign workers is easy. There is no accountability with these people.

Considering all of the posts regarding Dr. Gupta's horrific experience, not one person even offered an apology. I send my apologies to him on behalf of every moron, liar and thief he was forced to endure while planning his wedding in Nassau. Shame on The Bahamas and shame on those who failed Dr. Gupta at every level possible.

outlier says...

As a business owner in Canada, we are "tax collectors" for the provincial and federal government and must file on time or else. What Bahamian business owners must do and I mean must do is:

1. Set up a separate account with your business bank for the deposit of the VAT that has been collected. Do not put this money into your general revenues, as you will start thinking that the funds are yours. This is not your money. It belongs to the government.

2. As the months progress, you will get used to separating your money from the government's money.

Trust me on this. Many small and medium sized businesses in Canada close down their business activities because they can not pay the Provincial Sales Tax or Goods and Services Tax.

As a business owner, I learned early to put the collected tax money into a different account so I wouldn't get attached to it. And, file quarterly, so you have less administrative tasks each month.

outlier says...

Why does this moron continue to blame the government for the violent actions of these killers? How stupid are you? You give new meaning to the word stupid. Has it occurred to you that these low-lifes only know how to do two things? Fornicate and kill.

The Bahamas needs to build a new prison on one of the family islands and send these killers to a hot rock in the middle of nowhere.

On Three dead after shooting and stabbings

Posted 8 April 2015, 10:25 a.m. Suggest removal

outlier says...

If you are Bahamian, then I guess 73 is very old. The average life span for a Bahamian is only 53 years of age. The main reason being lifestyle and diet. Ya can't live on beans, rice and KFC and expect to live a long life. As Bahamians waddle to their beater of a car, spread margarine on everything (including themselves) and eat food only a dog would like, I guess a long life just isn't in the cards until the nation wakes up.

In first-world countries the fabulous health care system, combined with the best food our good earth provides and lifestyle choices, grants us an age of 84 for women and about 80 for men.

And the fellow who was killed at a mere 73 years of age probably had another good 20 years left in him. I feel very sorry for him, his family and friends.

outlier says...

I do not know the dining room manager of Compass Point, but I hope that he survives his injuries. My heart goes out to this victim and his family, friends and co-workers.

Out of all of the places to enjoy the north-west side of New Providence Island, Compass Point is a favourite of mine. A beautiful, laid-back place with charm to spare.

Last week I told my friends who are visiting from Belgium to go out to Compass Point and enjoy the great food, staff and atmosphere which is awesome. So much for that idea.

Instead of going out there, we will spend our money by sending flowers to the hospital where the victim is recovering.

On Compass Point manager hurt in shooting

Posted 25 March 2015, 9:48 a.m. Suggest removal

outlier says...

In a democracy, there is a separation between church and state. In The Bahamas, you wouldn't know it. In a poorly managed island nation such as this, it stands to reason that crime is on the rise. In Toronto, with a population of 2.63 million there were 13 murders in 2014. In Nassau, with a population of 350,000 there was over a hundred murders in 2014. This island nation is uncivilized, vindictive and revengeful. Statistics prove it.

outlier says...

I thank Dr.Neville for this touching tribute to his son Sean and for sharing his personal loss with the many readers of The Nassau Tribune.

The pen will always be mightier than the sword.

On A LIFE OF CRIME: Cries from a victim

Posted 17 March 2015, 1:43 p.m. Suggest removal

outlier says...

I don't know who is more stupid, you or that dumb-ass TaiRussell. You give new meaning to the word stupid. Why blame the government for everything? Empty vessels make the most noise, which is you and the other moron, TaiRussell.

You have the intellect of a cocoanut. The Government is by the people for the people. Give a moron a gun and then you have a real problem.

On Shooting leaves one dead, two in hospital

Posted 8 March 2015, 11:38 a.m. Suggest removal

outlier says...

Two crooks who can't get along with each other in Lyford Key. What a pity. A crying shame in fact. It appears to me that these two men are experiencing :"karma" that is probably long overdue for these two greedy men. They should both return to their hometown of Babylon.

outlier says...

It makes more sense to me to blame the arsonist for this mess right now, rather than the contractor or the present government leaders. Moxey has been charged and we will eventually find out if he is indeed guilty or not.

Why would Moxey start this fire? Did the contractor owe him money and this was his way of getting even? Did Moxey "think" that the building was insured and perhaps conducted a dirty deed on behalf of the contractor who apparently was not flush with cash? Insurance fraud is not a new concept. Did the contractor think his insurance was current or lapsed?

I am of the view that the arsonist "had a reason" to do what he did. Why not get to the bottom of that first? If you start there, the blame trail will make itself known in no time at all.