Comment history

pablojay says...

I personally know a few former experienced workers who would have been more than willing
to return there and in fact did submit job applications, but the Bahamian manager refused to re-
engage them,instead going with mostly new employees whom he could pay less and this was
seen as an item that impacted batch quality and timely production.

pablojay says...

A law student told me that Brave was instrumental in the case that was taken to the Privy Council concerning the mandatory death sentence being declared unconstitutional. He also
informed me that the convicted murderer ,after being returned to society, was convicted of
another murder.

On Administer justice now

Posted 17 January 2024, 1:39 p.m. Suggest removal

pablojay says...

When it is taught make sure that positive stories are included about white Bahamians also, because worldwide history is fraught with personal biases.

On Call for Elisha Obed to be remembered

Posted 17 January 2024, 1:07 p.m. Suggest removal

pablojay says...

Reminds me of retired NBA player Latrell Sprewell rejecting a 3 year contract extension worth
$21 million in 2004 after his skills had begun to diminish saying, " I have a family to feed."

pablojay says...

We have gotten so 'touchy 'on this colonialism issue that maybe one day there will be a clarion
call to ditch the english language because we got it from the British... and most of us speak creole anyway.....?

pablojay says...

@licks2: People within the PLP don't don't believe Brave is the best man for PM,
but you feel he is the best man in the Bahamas? N-word please!!!

pablojay says...

It reflects more on Minnis than the FNM and shows just how selfish he was when he was PM.
He kept his inner circle close to him and dismissed everyone else ,which kept him out of touch
with reality ,an example of which can be seen by his calling of an early election . When he spoke
of his next term in office, i longed for Potluck or Sideburns as i could envisage a cartoon with him
adorned in his long white coat, clipboard in hand shouting "Next!"

pablojay says...

If i was as good with the numbers as i am with picking the author of a letter to the Tribune, when
it comes to O.Bodie, Sebas them would close my accounts forthwith. I didn't have to open the
newspaper to predict the writer to be the #1 PLP butt kisser.

On There is no revolt in the PLP

Posted 26 October 2023, 9:35 p.m. Suggest removal

pablojay says...

I really do not understand how an article which begins with the writer being so dismissively biased ,can be described as being ''Spot on." She calls the leader a misleader, she say an
organization claims to be an organization and insinuates that once you are anti-gay you are anti
rights as if the only rights are gay rights.

pablojay says...

Speaking about English, i am requesting assistance in this matter: Miss Wilson said," We
would have interviewed them......" In my high school class we would use 'would have' when we intended to do something,but something prevented us from doing it but nowadays would have
is being used for something that was done.