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panamaguy says...

The government thinks this will all blow over once everyone releases their anger. It has to ccontinue to get the Bahamas back on track. Government has to get out of the business of expanding government to give out cushy government jobs where no one works. It has to protect free enterprise and stop over-regulation just to justify their position and make them feel powerful.

For an example...SYSCO bought out BFS and now one foreign company, SYSCO, basically controls the majority of the food being imported into the Bahamas. They buy at a fraction of the cost but charge sometimes 400% more since they have no competition. The government has screwed the Bahamian farmer and consumer by allowing this and put many farmers out of business. I wonder to whose benefit was this transaction allowed. Names?

On LIVE COVERAGE: We March Bahamas

Posted 14 January 2017, 1:25 p.m. Suggest removal

panamaguy says...

Haha Mar is becoming a rotting corpse on Cable Beach. Maybe after all the bad press it can become a Motel 6 with $39 rooms per night.

This is a good time for the Bahamas to rethink everything and look for a pro-growth candidate for the future. For a country to rely on a favorable Moody's or S &P Bond Rating based on one private project shows its vulnerability in its poor planning. The Bahamas needs to diversify. It needs to attract entrepreneurs and strengthen its infrastructure. Look at the airport traffic. Look at its agricultural base. Look at its offshore banking. These industries need attention. It is better and far safer to have 10 medium sized tourism projects than one big one that could affect the entire economy, which Haha Mar is doing right now. GDP per capita is getting close to recession territory. It's time for new leadership. Mr. Christie, if this was a basketball game the coach would tap you on the shoulder to take a seat on the bench. You and your Party tried but its time to move aside. New ideas and new leadership are needed desperately.

On panamaguy

Posted 29 November 2016, 4:50 p.m. Suggest removal

panamaguy says...

It looks like this is a bad time to be investing in the Bahamas... The bet is that a lot of investors will sit on the sidelines and wait this government out until the next election. This could be a long lean 4 years. This could have a vast effect on the economy of the Bahamas. With fewer revenues to collect, the bet is that the present government will put a heavier load on the Bahamian people to carry their bloated ministers and friends another 4 years as well as on any present investors caught in the fray.

On Bahamian wants No Confidence vote

Posted 20 October 2013, 11:08 a.m. Suggest removal

panamaguy says...

*I have been visiting the Bahamas since the 1970's. I also lived the Bahamas for 10 years. ... It is so refreshing to hear all the people in here raising their voices in the true spirit of democracy. It is also refreshing to see that the Bahamians have little tolerance for corruption in government.* I live in a country where that is not the case. Unfortunately, in many countries in the Americas, corruption is commonplace and rife which always leads to incompetence in government. I am proud of the Bahamians standing up to this evil. Keep speaking out.

On Christie not up to the job

Posted 20 October 2013, 10:48 a.m. Suggest removal