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pat242 says...

I support capital punishment. These criminals are taking advantage of Bahamians and what we stand for. As a read different articles in respect to crime and how to combat it. My personal view is capital punishment is not a means to curb crime. It is punishment for the serious crimes which had been inflected not just on Bahamians but tourist alike. This cycle of jail and bail has to stop. My heart goes out for the families who has been touched by serious crime and as a insult the accused gets bail and laughing at you. So if capital punishment is ever practice i would support it

On Moncur: Thousands to march for hanging

Posted 30 January 2014, 10 a.m. Suggest removal

pat242 says...

Emac. Fuck You, Fuck your family and fuck everyone you know. People like you need to find a hobby and stop playing political games. I hope Immigration arrest you and your family and send you all back to where you all come from. I am a Bahamian citizen and proud to me one.

On Road checks cause crowds at immigration

Posted 26 January 2014, 1:31 p.m. Suggest removal

pat242 says...

Interesting. But Rodney Moncur still wrong. He did not care how the family would feel seeing their love one on Facebook under the condition he was in. It is a case but i do not support what Rodney Moncur did. What of it happen to you or a love one.

On Witness denies he wanted Rodney Moncur jailed

Posted 26 January 2014, 12:42 p.m. Suggest removal

pat242 says...

Stop being stupid. The police plays a intrigued role in society. The police does their jobs and others every day without thanks or praises. I grantee when something happens you would b the first to call the police of if something happens you, you would wish the police come to save your lousy ass. If you have a problem with the police then you are a criminal or associated in criminal activities. Its fair to say if the police didn't do their jobs the country would b worse than it is, and to be fair Bahamians are some of the causes the problems that exist in this country today. Some know who does these criminals live and the activities they are indulge in. But the police is trying. However for you. F**k you ignorant asshole. People like you is why the country is the way it is. If i was a betting person i would bet then you are involve in criminal activity and when the police catch you the prisoners ass raped you lol. .

pat242 says...

Negative asshole. keep up the good work

On McDonald's gets McFancy

Posted 25 January 2014, 7:53 a.m. Suggest removal

pat242 says...

That is good that the persons from the Environmental Department vehicles will be repaired and composition will be paid. But what about the police officers who worked grueling hours when !2 hour shift was implemented. Are they getting paid for the hours they worked.

pat242 says...

That is great. Keep it up. Show the world what The Bahamas has to offer.

On Player of the week

Posted 24 January 2014, 12:37 p.m. Suggest removal

pat242 says...

Keep up the good work. I have notice some Bahamians bicker on the negative things that happen in the country and leave the positive alone. The Bahamas played a role in Martin Luther king success and some Bahamians turns a blind eye to it. But keep up the good work and continue to excel.

On Working hard to honour Martin Luther King Day

Posted 23 January 2014, 7:02 a.m. Suggest removal

pat242 says...

EMac you are a asshole. Look at the other comments presented with the other person. why didn't u say anything to them. I suspect without reading the article and just the comments below you attacked me. Where i work i have first hand information on whats going on in this country. So i know whats going on. I class you with some of the other who would disagree with anything the P.L.P government is doing to make this county better. So i take back any sweeping indictments made towards anyone who i may have offended on this site. However all rants will be gears towards you Emac. You are a asshole and of course bite my ass and drink my pee. that's only for u ass face and not for anyone else.

On Road checks cause crowds at immigration

Posted 23 January 2014, 6:45 a.m. Suggest removal

pat242 says...

If the government implements a national ID i would fully support it. The Bahamas has a very small population and honestly easily taking over by foreigners. Keep in mind if someone hold a Bahamian passport you are a Bahamian citizen regardless where you come from. A national id would give you a better understanding who does and does not belong in your country. Similar to a drivers license. If a police officer catching you driving without one you will be dealt with. If the national id is passed if a Immigration catching someone living in the Bahamas without a national id he or she will be detained process and deported. The persons who have a problem with it either illegal or hire illegals for cheap labor and as a result encourage illegals to come to our country. Press on brave men and woman of the Immigration Department.