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patricktrobinson says...

Kathryn Neely said: “Whilst I really feel this is animal cruelty, this is a livelihood for Bahamians and with the economic problems in place, something needs to be done for these operators. I have met many tourists who have enjoyed the ride very much – better animal care and a change of root is essential.”

I agree to some extent with this statement. I don't like the way the horses are being treated, but at the same time, it does indeed provide income for many. Horses are creatures made for work, but as with any machine or animal used for working, if it is not maintained, it will eventually stop working/die. The Surrey is definitely an attraction for Downtown adding to the colonial feel of Downtown Nassau.

What needs to be done, and should be considered is, just how other countries have bike lanes, create a "surrey lane." I know, it is easier said than done but it should be considered. Unfortunately, it will take some planning and road widening to achieve this and may not be feasible to do, just for a handful of surrey drivers. This would then ease the pressures of the horses standing behind cars, inhaling the harmful exhausts. It would be a free run for the horse.

These surrey drivers need to also be inspected because the horses are malnourished and just look bad. I hope something is done real soon about this.

On Horse petition nears 2,000 mark

Posted 13 November 2012, 3:01 p.m. Suggest removal