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paul_vincent_zecchino says...

Magnificent, thank you. How quickly people forget, or perhaps they were never taught about, 'The Little Ice Age' which ended during the mid 1800s. Lasting three hundred years, it was one of the factors which motivated people from Europe and other northern climes to flee in search of warmer places to live.

SUV's surely didn't cause its end one hundred sixty years ago. It was as you say, a natural climactic cycle.

One of the many lies of omission on part of the UN and the Elite globaloney hoaxers is that rather than global warming, we're heading into a period of natural cooling due to decreasing sunspot activity. This decline is expected to continue thru 2050.

paul_vincent_zecchino says...

Thank you for stating facts, for telling the truth. As reformed communist and author of '1984', George Orwell wrote, 'In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.'

The UN and its globaloney Elites are trying everything to trick people into disbelieving the truth and believing lies.

The goal is not saving Earth. The goal is getting rid of 'unnecessary useless eaters.'

This is not new. Since no later than the 1960s, their own documents have explicitly laid out their genocidal schemes.

paul_vincent_zecchino says...

Temperatures have been constant and dropping since the entire Global Warming hoax began during the mid-1980s, after a few warm summers in mid-town Manhattan, home to many of these globaloney Elites.

Until Columbus, it was well understood that Earth was flat. Columbus set sail to discover a western trade route to Asia. He did so because muslims controlled the eastern routes and they killed or enslaved any who tried to pass thru.

Columbus was considered a fool, as the 'experts' knew Earth was flat, and at some point, Columbus' three ships would simply sail over Earth's edge.

To their chagrin, Columbus safely returned and prove the experts wrong.

Science is never 'settled', contrary to what the globaloney 'experts' falsely claim. Science is always being questioned and overturned as new knowledge is discovered.

Believe what you will. It's your right. But should this rotten crew gain its ends, you will believe what they tell you to believe, or else, as they see it.

Why do you think they attack 'climate deniers', as you're doing with me? Because their science is 'settled'? No, it's because as with any pack of criminals, they retaliate when citizens call BS on their pious lies.

paul_vincent_zecchino says...

More glib rhetoric signifying nothing. Thank you for exposing the destructive in-lieu 'reasoning' of the genocidal Left.

Go right ahead, drink the UN/eco-Elites' Kool-Aid. Follow Greta Thunberg over the cliff.

The goal is not to 'save the planet.' Their goal is to eliminate as many people as possible, by all necessary means.

On the way, they plan to humiliate humankind by forcing them to change from eating meat to eating bugs and human flesh. You think I'm joking? Read their own documents.

They insist we quit our homes to live is stacked sewer pipes, much more 'eco-friendly.' This is already the rage in L.A. and SanFranFeces, among other denizens of braindead leftist lemmings.

These people look at you and me as 'useless eaters', to be removed from 'their planet.'

As far as your experts, I just cited Michael Mann as one, a total fraud, so ruled by the courts who gave him his chance to prove what he says. He refused.

So-called 'experts' have been lying to get grants for decades, it's what they do.

Why be so naïve about these people? They're not at all naïve about us. They want us off 'their planet.'

And they'll tell any lie to accomplish that end.

paul_vincent_zecchino says...

Argumentum ad hominem, that's called. You can't factually refute a thing I've said, so you resort to insults, and by your second post, a blustery word salad of old and long disproved PC nonsense.

Obfuscation and factual refutation are not the same thing.

paul_vincent_zecchino says...

Bravo! The planet has endured far worse than us. When Mount Pinatubo erupted in the Phillipines almost thirty years ago, it blasted more pollutants into the air than all the bombs detonated in World War II.

In New England, the summer following the eruption, was cold and the sky perpetually grey not with normal water vapor clouds, but with clouds of debris. It was a couple years before this cleared.

This latest scare tactic is cynical desperation on part of the Elites who want to rule their idea of 'utopia', just as you say.

Should these lying psychopaths succeed, life as we know it will become a hell on earth.

paul_vincent_zecchino says...

The liars at the UN are going all out, making their move to scare citizens into accepting global tyranny.

There are no 'rising seas.' Hurricanes have always been terrible. They're no worse today than in the past. They're more destructive because there's more homes, cars, and people in their way.

They UN's answer is to uproot people from their homes and shove them into 'compact urban areas' run by their leftist thug cronies.

Eating less meat is a good way to kick off malnutrition and then starvation, a weapon of war far more effective than nuclear tipped missiles. Just ask the people of Ukraine about the Holodmor, the holocaust in Ukraine which killed twenty million. Stalin did it deliberately to kill off his opponents.

Think before you panic.

paul_vincent_zecchino says...

Seriously? The Clinton Crime Initiative took in millions for Haiti and delivered nothing, according to long published reports. A side chapter involved reported smuggling of Haitian women for lascivious purposes. Are you serious with this?

Clinton discussed 'rising seas'? Isn't that why he's known as Bubba Bullshxx? The seas are not rising, but from the sound of it, the Clintons and their globaloney gangster cronies are covetously eyeing the Bahamas.

The Clintons give nothing without expectation of getting tenfold back in return. What's their angle here?


On Former President Clinton speaks to PM

Posted 20 September 2019, 8:15 p.m. Suggest removal

paul_vincent_zecchino says...

Outsider from FL Gulf Coast, here. Venice, FL, airport as are many others, accepting donations of needed items to fly to Freeport and Abaco.

US military, Customs, and Coast Guard all flying in supplies, flying out evacuees.

ZNS-1 AM 1540 and on net via streaming another good source.

Many locals in our area dropping off rescue supplies daily.

paul_vincent_zecchino says...

Amen to that. Why do they always look like this?

On UK’s envoy: So much to work on together

Posted 28 August 2019, 10:02 p.m. Suggest removal