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peaches says...

I've read all of the comments posted to this article and i've been following this story, and it is a sad day when we have individuals, let me rephrase that Bahamians, who actually condone pure mess. How is it that we don't take the time to comment or raise our voices when countless family members are victimized by these criminals on a daily basis. How is it that we don't comment when police officers are literally killed and shot at, or when honest Bahamians are afraid to live in this country and can't sleep at night. Yet we can find the time to make stupid remarks about half truths. If we take the time and do our research into some of these matters and find out the circumstances that revolve around them we will find out exactlly what is going on.
Example if we take a look closer this mother admitted that her son was safer in prison because of his lifestyle, she also stated that she knew what he was arrested for which was MURDER! he was also asthmatic and any type of interrogation could trigger an attack and if not treated it could lead to death. She also stated that he was light skinnen and anyone knows if a light skinned person passes away and has been there for a while, the individual will turn dark.
Hospital officials also know that when a person is identified in the morgue they are placed in plastic bags and the only parts of their bodies that are shown to the family is the face and only the immediate family members are allowed in the morgue for viewing. At the end of the day my people when you have parents who condone mess and refuse to tell their children when they are wrong, we will continue to read stories such as this