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perspective says...

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On Thompson: We don't need speeches, we need action

Posted 5 June 2012, 11:17 p.m.

perspective says...

this election was an exercise of peaceful democracy......on a symbolic level this is great and i congratulate the country.

what concerns me is the robustness of the reasoning of those individuals who resent mr. ingraham and were so eager to get him out of power.

he delivered a superbly productive 5 years 2007-2012 and the shock of the global recession could have been worse. he was trying to propel the country into future readiness and participation in the new first world fact,our sense of first word status relative to other caribbean nations today can be largely credited to him.

this has been the signature of all mr. ingraham's terms in office. i think the electorate is increasingly unready for this forward ideology. they are more aligned with shortsighted political pandering and have a tendency to feed on rhetoric and emotionalism while concrete and pragmatic reasoning are expelled from their consciousness.

no one can deny that the bahamas is going through a period of social decay as evidenced by crime and core values etc. the political process is also reflective of this decay........flood the masses with a series of ghetto parties, flowing liquor and a few empty slogans and you have won the election.

if the perry christie plp does an excellent job of effective incorruptible governance that would be great.
however if it turns out that hubert ingrahams trajectory towards a better bahamas was prematurely would then be the bahamian people who loss the election, not the fmn because in the end the well being of the people is what matters most.

perspective says...

"Comrade Carl loss all he balls today. Now, he got no seat and no job. Maybe he daddy got something him to do up at the big pink house up on Mount Fitzwilliam".

Seriously...This comment really exposes Talrussell.
Ghetto talks and ghetto thoughts..........I hope you benefit from education 2.0 under the need it

perspective says...

I totally agree with you notsogullible.......Observer's remark was a complete word salad.......and I am sure his/her thoughts are similarly unintelligible.

perspective says...

blaming murders on the government is hypocrisy and a oversimplification of the crime issue.
you claim to be intelligent but your remarks are so consistently biased vitriolic and ignorant

Mr. Ingraham was not perfect but he certainly contributed tremendously to the well being of Bahamians and modern Bahamian culture and politics....he played his role in history and did so well.

He now departs from politics at least show some grace.....your hateful remarks are beginning to come across as pathetic.

perspective says...

i also agree with this article................she is much much more charismatic...the fnm needs her at this time

On Loretta Butler-Turner for 2017?

Posted 27 May 2012, 12:14 p.m. Suggest removal

perspective says...

the state of the country is bleak with this government in power.

increasingly the facade of competence presented in the plp campain rhetoric is now crumbling in to the reality that they are truly inept at running this country.

dr. nottage is yet to outline a concrete plan to address crime in the country......all they offer are meaningless slogans....operation this and operation that........ complete buffoonery.

now dr. nottage's first concrete plan against crime......repeal the laws that keep criminals he responds to his constituents who themselves constitute a significant portion of the criminal population.

perspective says...

well said archbishop!!!!!!

On Archbishop's call for a code of ethics

Posted 21 May 2012, 8:15 p.m. Suggest removal

perspective says...

christie will adhere to his agenda of political pandering.

he will present a hologram of a consultative process and will make the choice that will possible be harmful in the long run.

his bottom line is political glory.......he can't make the tough decisions.

perspective says...

its already beginning.....the change from hype to reality.
vague conjectures are not measuring up.

bahamians will soon realize the big mistake the made in may 2012