Comment history

pfitz says...

May I ask Dr. Bernard Nottage what else he has EVER received free from any other government? Or anyone else for that matter. nothing is FREE or a will pay for it. All of it. Trust me. Just as you will pay for the stadium. Soon come. Too bad you all
are soooo naive. You "in bed" with some heavy hitters. Not a good position to be in at all. Very sad for the Bahamas. Very sad.

pfitz says...

Does anyone know what year the Montegu was demolished? There was a song out around the time it went down.

"What they gonna do with the Montegu?" Just kept repeating the same words over and over.

Does anyone remember?

Thank you.

On Nassau Beach demolition

Posted 15 March 2014, 1:32 p.m. Suggest removal

pfitz says...

Of course the Rick Shaw is viable!! Painted by local artists, fun looking, less expensive, no cruelty for any animal, because there wouldn't be any animals. This is not Rocket Science!!
Get these poor abused, starving pitiful horses off our roads!!!
g l Gunner

pfitz says...

**Are you kidding me? What rubbish! Only shows that those in government see themselves as big shots and really do think they are above and beyond the law. Think that they can push people around with threats! How completely off base and intolerable!!**

On Briefly

Posted 18 September 2013, 11:57 a.m. Suggest removal

pfitz says...

Patrick T Robinson: In response to your Comment placed here, 9 months and 3 weeks
ago: If I may, These owners / drivers have NEVER taken proper care of their horses, EVER.
They "yes" you to death, and do nothing.
The owner / drivers are obviously in the wrong business! They claim they can't make ends meet. They can't make a living. Why do they remain in a business that they don't make any money?? I mean, what has to happen to enlighten them? They are in the WRONG business!!
Give it up!
You said: "it does indeed provide income for many." No it doesn't. NO!
Then you went on to say: "The Surrey is definitely an attraction for Downtown adding to the colonial feel of Downtown Nassau." When was the last time you were in Downtown Nassau? Are you kidding? the colonial feel of downtown nassau?? There is no Colonial feel. None. Maybe at Marina Village at Atlantis BUT not downtown Nassau. And we don;t need this Tourist Attraction while the horses are being abused.

And more that you said: "What needs to be done, and should be considered is, just how other countries have bike lanes, create a "surrey lane." I know, it is easier said than done but it should be considered. Unfortunately, it will take some planning and road widening to achieve this and may not be feasible to do, just for a handful of surrey drivers. This would then ease the pressures of the horses standing behind cars, inhaling the harmful exhausts. It would be a free run for the horse." Are you serious? This will NEVER be done. Ever, so forget about it. No more discussion.

And more still: "These surrey drivers need to also be inspected because the horses are malnourished and just look bad. I hope something is done real soon about this." They are
"inspected." UNfortunately, not by qualified Vets or anyone who knows enough about horses. Small Animal Vets "inspect" the horses. The "Inspections" are not valid. At all.

The surrey horses have to go. They simply have to go. The owners / drives have had
enough chances and they have blown it.

On Horse petition nears 2,000 mark

Posted 6 September 2013, 7:47 p.m. Suggest removal

pfitz says...

Hell no!! Don;t grant Nygard anything!!! He needs to put back what he has stolen from
from the Bahamas. Nygard is a leach. Don;t grant him a thing!!

On Grant Peter Nygard a 30 years lease

Posted 6 September 2013, 5:37 p.m. Suggest removal