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pfunkf says...

BTC have foreign employees running its call center from Jamaica or some other CARiCOM nation who stalking call you with annoying and harassing questions obout your BTC bill, but they can't complete a simple Alert system that could save a child in danger in the bahamas. It's Time to Make BTC an all Bahamian Company Again.

pfunkf says...

The Bahamas already have Haitian president,he came here for a conference a few weeks ago and demanded minis a Christie to invest more in Haiti or you know what

On Minnis U-turn on gender equality Bills

Posted 14 August 2014, 10:23 p.m. Suggest removal

pfunkf says...

no amount of plp style urben renual will reverse the out of control crime epidemic that has been unleashed upon our nation,the police force have benn reduced too plp campign workers.while the police are out delivering grocery bags and other goddies to inner city voters,the man power of the force is weakened.criminals study how to stratagizse and be ahead of the police, and becacse they have to run up they mouth every day to the media the criminals always get briefed each day and can measure their next move.the police force seem over structured with political control and other subuersive influience destroying the seperation off powers which the citizens need too amount of media\ public relations by the police or the politican show offs can put fear in criminals.criminals are beasts of prey,who must be forced into compliense too the dictates of decent and law abiding socioty.

On Eight armed robberies in a single weekend

Posted 1 September 2012, 4:16 a.m. Suggest removal

pfunkf says...

it is sinful that we still have in the bahamas today people like russell,whenever we get the plp out of office the next time,i sugest we create a state out of a family island for such political slaves.we could call it pindlingville or something like that.we will never advance as a nation onto great heights laden down with somany government welfare dependents.they are addicted to political party dependence for every thing in their lives.the yoke of stupidity must not be tolerated much longer.turks and cacious have a populaion of about 30 thausand and they have free market telacom structure with three ptivate telacom companys. russell and the likes will never see past pindling and 1967 or the two and a half decades that proceeded.we could be stuck forever in the land of going nowhere as a nation if we do not seperate ourself from such.think about it,notice how they are beyond logic or rationle,only talk obout trivalities and relentlessly avoid substantitive dialogue.they offer nothing crative,their only passion is to seek to discredit the most productive political leader this bahamas have known to date" hai".and we know why that is,he put pindling out of business.the reality is,in this task of building our bahama nation some people are anly along for the ride.if the vehicle is not to their narrow liking they take pride in sabotaging our collective chances of obtaining national glory.we have our nation to build,the triffelers among are focused on their political party and how it can fill their selfish greed.

pfunkf says...

IN the words of the delivery boy the grand duke"history will prove that i was right about the 2002 referendum" the greatest loosers of that day was and still is,is bahamian woman.then mel griffin,glenis hanna,allison maynard,and their plp women compadres all sat dumbstruct idly by and allowed paul adderley, bishop gomez,philipa russel,steve mckinie and the rest of the plp machinery to succeed in destroying what was a most oppertune moment in time for bahamian women.they all ought too hang their heads in public disgrace.the naked truth is that bahamian women have only themselves to blame.they were set back 10 years and still counting.where is the strong,commited,intelligent bahamian women that we hear so much bragging about? why do she surrender her advancement and intreast into the hands of fred mitchel,political prostitute extrodinere?are she admitting that he can speak for and achieve for her what she refuse too demand and posess by her own networking?. who is fooling who?

pfunkf says...


pfunkf says...

you must remember that true bahamian history will always record that HAI retired the plp goliath lo pindling and sent him to his political grave,and for this crime alone plps will always have an eternal hatred for our Mighty Delivery Boy.HAI brought down the feard demi god of the must realise that before that crushing blow to pindling he was tought to be unbeatable.the mere sight of HAI always remind the plps that even at their best, we the bahamian people have the ability to do a great deal better without see they are not the only ones who hold the deeds to this our bahama land.let the plps foam with hatred as their father has taught them to detest every one who do not bow to the pingdom.our true father of the bahamas "almighty god jehova" will surley raise up unto us stupidly fearless delivers in the spirit of sons such as hai, cecil w withfield.who see them selves raised up by devine providence to serve god's nation abrahamas.typical plps are blinded by and very much in bondage to the pingdom whome they ignorently rever as their FATHER. pay them no mind,they are the blind leading the blind.father god honoured HAI with 40 years of excelent service,those who honour GOD, have no trouble honouring those whom HE raises up,even though they are men and women of clay feet.this dimension of freedom is above the mentality of the pingdomites.the road they trod leads to the alter of the PING and not to our creator god who gave us this bahama land.

On The day they let a good man go

Posted 22 July 2012, 9:43 p.m. Suggest removal

pfunkf says...

"a prophet is not without honor except in his own home town and among his own people"

pfunkf says...

the gov can nationalize the farming sector. how about that?

pfunkf says...

c citizen,you are a strong and truly patient the way u keep from alowing them to hide behind pityfull corney talk about black vs white.keep freedom indipendent speech alive.