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pfunkf says...

Prlp pindling Regressive little people

pfunkf says...

judging from the photo,what we have here is christie,wilgcombe and company desperately trying to fake their way through.any gimmic to get on the evening news.obie know well how to play the game and now with zns again at his disposal we can expect to see much more of these childish performances.they have to create an image for christie who up too now has not done anything substantial since coming back to the job.all the major negotiation on all the major projects in progress have been completed for the past two to three years by hubert ingraham, christie really should stop faking.he looks begs the question of who is pulling the strings behind this puppet.

On Baha Mar urged to hire more Bahamians

Posted 26 June 2012, 9:30 p.m. Suggest removal

pfunkf says...

The Grandmaster of shamelessness and potcake boy who gone to BEC,they gat a slick game going on them you they building up their personal wealth big time, all that nationalist talk they always flipin off their tongue sure making some black bahamians head dizzy.Foreigners investors are not buying that fact i think they laughing at how potcake brain so many of us are. An old Grand Master once told me that money goes where money lie,figure that out.

On BTC to pay up over disruption

Posted 19 June 2012, 7:11 p.m. Suggest removal

pfunkf says...

could this be a case of industrial sabotage carried out by both utility unions.could it also be they are conspiring with the government to give c and w a black eye in the court of public opinion.remember,this company was threatened by the plp while in opposition and the unions that the deal would not be allowed to stand.don't forget blue water[the ghost company] have not given up,and could now be making moves to run c & w out of town.what better time than now?

On BTC to pay up over disruption

Posted 19 June 2012, 5:33 p.m. Suggest removal

pfunkf says...

he can start by first makeing a total discloseare of all the doners who financed his little sharade,so called third party. the rich forign lyford cay ingraham haters,the white knight catel,wells-dupuch-allen sourgrape bunch,sandy [arrogant]schafer and the whole lot. that ought to let all the wind out of his bag,if by chance he have any trace of boldness then show it by beign the first to set the example.put up or shut up bran.

On Bran: Probe election claims

Posted 14 June 2012, 7:33 p.m. Suggest removal

pfunkf says...

the more rope you give this guy the sooner he will hang himself.he feeds off media attention.he is unbelievably drunk with ego and deception.first he thinks himself to be the bahama obama, now his totally rejected band of misfits the offical opposition.the plot thickens,give it obout one more year or so and it will be clear for all to see who are the puppet masters behind the traitor.

On DNA to create shadow cabinet

Posted 12 June 2012, 9:54 p.m. Suggest removal

pfunkf says...

truiey this is tne most shocking turn of events since the election campign.we were preached too about how they believe in bahamians,and forigeners were profeting too much at our proves how phoney our people and especially our preasent political leaders are.all the hype about how bahamians can compete sucessfully without forigners and build our own country ment now we have relaunched a special compign to welome and beg the world too please come build the bahamas.i peedict that within two years this christie gov will be recalled smashing their old record of beign the worst government in bahamian history.if no other reason other than the decption they again play on us.what goes around comes around.

On 'Bahamas is open for business'

Posted 9 June 2012, 4:04 a.m. Suggest removal

pfunkf says...

ryan the lyen heart lied obout his citizenship in the lizzie buy election,he playin dem lazey black people like a pro.whoever in dey right mind would believe in a white PLP.take off the mask ryan.

pfunkf says...

i suspect that mcartney may have been an operative for powerful business concearns, that had to get rid prime minister ingraham.the share society where bahamians across the spectrum could oun shares in ouce forbidden areas of busines like the arawak port did not go well with the business elliet.the FNM would be wise to put mcartney behind judas in the bible thirty pieces of silver ended his ambitions.for now the freedom fighters must remain couragous,steadfast and believi in almighty god.after a glimse of the the promise land of true Free National Advance,the nation have gone back too Pharoh Last Plague to beg for crumbs leftover rather than fight. It has return to the sweet song of phoroh,promises of rward without work, ownership without loyalty and wealth without sacfrice.we d,not have to guess where this will lead again the time is at hand and the task is greater than ever before, the FNM must begin now to ounce again lead lifting high the torch without compamise and or appoligy until our bahama land return to a bahama land where freedom,and wealth is gift giveg by almighty god to all bahamians.

On Calling all DNAs to come home

Posted 2 June 2012, 5:39 p.m. Suggest removal