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philip says...

Lets just all sit on our hands then!

On Oil drilling draft bills sent to Cabinet

Posted 1 April 2014, 5:58 p.m. Suggest removal

philip says...

As 'Newcitizen' quite rightly points out and also 'who covers the astronomical costs involved if there is no oil?'. The companies involved in the drilling process.

Let's start working together in an intelligent way to benefit our nation.

On Oil drilling draft bills sent to Cabinet

Posted 1 April 2014, 3:16 p.m. Suggest removal

philip says...

It's a point of note that the US has now allowed the recommencement of deep water oil drilling as it was always going to do. It realises the economic realities associated with oil production as does a country like Cuba.

The irony is that the new regulations will mean the adoption of the best practice's for such drilling in our waters, albeit we may sabotage any potential benefits through our naive assessment of the situation.

Any oil revenues will translate into better medical care and education for a start. We want and have a right to the latest anticancer drugs and diagnostic equipment, the best aftercare, an education system to build our children into leaders in any chosen field, an infrastructure to reflect our committed move into the 21st century with a standard of living to match.

I would prefer these blessings from the Almighty then empty prayers & hollow words from some of our esteemed clergy and other notable custodians of our pastoral wellbeing. I see the opportunity we have here to improve the quality of life of our people as a real gift from the Almighty.

Remember, people like the Cubans will drill anyway to pay for their own healthcare & education while our people are led astray by those who should know better.

I want the jobs and inward investment that oil revenues will provide. I want the best healthcare if my family are sick. I want my children to have the best education which will enable them to be leaders in their field on a global stage.

I don't want to be part of a bankrupt nation whose youth aspire to boogie board on overweight american tourists as their highest achievement in life.

God has given our people a chance. Will our people embrace it or will they be blind to it & be misled by those whose sole purpose is to maintain control for themselves?

On Oil drilling draft bills sent to Cabinet

Posted 1 April 2014, 9:24 a.m. Suggest removal

philip says...

'Openi g the doors to the multitude of non petroleum businesses' is a naive and empty comment. If it was that easy, the doors refered to would have been open a long time ago and the national debt addressed. As far as 'collecting taxes', even the most optimistic eztimates of such would make little impact in tackling the major problem of the aforementioned national debt. It would be like emptyi g a bath with a teaspoon while the taps still running.
As far as 'crtiticising a poster', thats not my intention but i certainly will challenge the eroneous content of the posts as i would expect such content to be better researched. The point about Norway is a typical example. I could have picked ANY country crom that list and showed the assertion made to be FALSE. Albania for example has major exploration planned with all those countrys heavily reliant on fossil fuels / hydrocarbons. Why post such inaccurate information. Surely our people desrve the truth about our dire economic position and real ways to address that rather then abstract statements about 'inward investment'. Its such naivety and attempts at manipulative rhetoric which undermine the efforts of our country to pull out of this national debt hole we find ourselves in. Marginal / selfish interests should have no part in a discussion of such wide reaching importance. Tourism alone will not save us. Neither will the associated industries, gambling shops or self serving politicians. The People of our country deserve better and hopefully we can also aspire to schools, hospitals and infrastructure as Norway has done (the example you use) through their own oil revenues. Lets do it for the People!

On Oil drilling draft bills sent to Cabinet

Posted 1 April 2014, 2:48 a.m. Suggest removal

philip says...

I would like to know exactly how our country is going to tackle the National Debt without oil revenues? Taxes on tourists perhaps.

Emotional and unsubstantiated rhetoric designed to mislead only works on those not fully aware of the dire economic situation we are in!

On Oil drilling draft bills sent to Cabinet

Posted 31 March 2014, 7:16 p.m. Suggest removal

philip says...

Thats another example of inaccurate, manipulative and emotive rhetoric. It certainly doesnt help the genuine cause of the country.

Norway for example was the 8th largest exporter of crude oil in the world in 2011 & the worlds 3rd largest gas exporter!!! So much for dismissing hydrocarbon production when their wealth & economic infrastructure has been built on it. Thats only one example from the list.

I would urge all who want an objective, dispassionate & ultimately beneficial overview for our people, to read my original comments regarding emotive & manipulative rhetoric on the subject.

our country needs oil revenues - fact!!

We're in deep economic trouble if we dont get them!

On Oil drilling draft bills sent to Cabinet

Posted 31 March 2014, 7:02 p.m. Suggest removal

philip says...

It's a travesty when emotive and empty rhetoric have sway over a rational perspective of a situation.

Other economies may be looking at alternatives to fossil fuels but are STILL heavily reliant on them. Which nation produces the majority of its power from wind or sun for example. Of course, there's always the option of nuclear energy or even fracking if its viable. Would those be more palatable?

The reality is that the country is in desperate need of oil revenues, whatever certain emotionally manipulative contributors may say. Thats what can directly impact the quality of peoples lives through new schools, hospitals and an overall better standard of living.

The oil regulations are being put in place so best practices can be adopted to prevent such oil spillages refered to. These will be the safest operations anywhere in the world.
Even if the Government prevented drilling with the loss of potential revenues, that decision would not impact other countries like Cuba who would continue drilling whilst this country loses out.

We must remember oil may not be found for those of us who may be tempted to bargain for 100% of nothing. Are we willing to put up the costs of full drilling operations for that.

Its time we put those who try to emotionally manipulate us through empty rhetoric in their place. Lets have new schools, hospitals and a better standard of living. The Cubans will do what they have to regardless of us.

On Oil drilling draft bills sent to Cabinet

Posted 31 March 2014, 6:04 p.m. Suggest removal