Comment history

pileit says...

get dem sarkie!!!!

pileit says...

honestly, even without a rigorous academic state program, the populace still chooses to be dumb, all the tiktok & instagram garbage could be replaced with youtube tutorials from all manner of expert sources, all the way up to MIT audited lectures! We have become entertainment and titillation induced donkeys

pileit says...

All this indignance and accusatory talk, none of you knows whether the man is injured seriously due an incident in warmups or not... yet all of you fat, tv watching couch slugs are quick to decry and get into a huff, with no data! How about reserving an opinion until presented with more data, what is this bubbling geyser need to spew an opinion into the universe before everyone else? Its both frightening and sickening.

pileit says...

You, sir/madam, are an idiot, the web version of a certain “Anton” that fills the radio talk shows with a sulphuric odor. Had Wilson brought examples, details, high resolution data, this would play differently. He has no data. Now I will stay aloft in my little Cirrus and continue on to Dominican Republic, where my money will go twice as far anyway. toodles.

pileit says...

you hurl insults at the lady without cause. methinks you think too much of your opinion. The amount of miserable marriages in this country remaining because neither party can afford the separation is insane. youre putting your personal experience and opinion in the laps of many who are suffering. you have no right to trivialize. worry bout your own marriage.

On ‘Time to change our divorce laws’

Posted 24 July 2024, 5:43 p.m. Suggest removal

pileit says...

When I grew up in these islands real men spoke in earnest, and if no resolution, the community leadership came into play, not even law enforcement. Now, at the slightest provocation, we go from zero to sixty in one second, weapon in hand. Its quite clear how much we value each other here.

pileit says...

ah, so the violence is justified? any dispute will eventually escalate to violence? what kind of base, depraved people have we become? snarling at each other publicly like mangy dogs. No dignity.

pileit says...

Birdie? Birdie where are you? birdie we need your insight! Hurry up and tell us why this is OK.

pileit says...

Is this journalism or an advert? no mention of the doors that keep falling open in flight? If they come to medivac me I’m not sitting by any door. This ain a real place, nor is this a real newspaper.

pileit says...

Absolute disgrace, they should be ashamed, but of course, they are not. No comments, Birdie?