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pilgrimagerock says...

To say that the former Prime Minister farewell should not have taken precedence over house agenda is self-delusional wishful thinking. There is an old Chinese proverbs quote on vengeance: "He who seeks vengeance must dig two graves: one for his enemy and one for himself." The Lord says that vengeance is mine not yours.

The PLP’s set out to seek revenge on a man who many worlds’ leaders including Caricom member states have the utmost respect for and end up making a complete fool of themselves. I could understand why PLP’s dislike the former Prime Minister. He aired their dirty laundry in public by echoing berated remarks what PLP supporters will say to Mr. Christie in private. One can only imagine what our Caribbean brothers and sisters are saying about the Bahamian people, this PLP government and Mr. Christie right now. I bet you that it not good news.

pilgrimagerock says...

With all due respect, people like “Mother Pratt” cannot separate Christianity and Politics because they lack the Fear of God. Jesus said that you cannot serve His father, the Most High and mammon aka political deities at the same time but they truly believe they can.

pilgrimagerock says...

The 2002 referendum was defeated by the PLP's. I have a feeling that this so-called new referendum on Bahamian women rights will be defeated by the Bahamian people, because nobody likes to be made a fool.

pilgrimagerock says...

Sir Lynden Pindling got to say his farewell message because the FNM administration made it possible. They could have allowed the late former Prime Minister to stick around until the entire former cabinet ministers had their say but they didn’t out of respect. This new, new PLP’s wants to have it both ways.

pilgrimagerock says...

Well said mynameis. Behind closed doors, the PLP's will admit that their party leaders committed such despicable acts but in the eyes of the general public, they look for excuses or find reasons to justify their wrongdoing.

pilgrimagerock says...

This so-called new, new PLP’s house session set in motion was no surprised to me. If they could easily disregard the needs of one of their party beloved founding fathers, they could easily disrespect anyone for that matter regardless of who they are. With a straight face, the current Prime Minister blamed the clueless Speaker who then blamed the former Prime Minister for this great national dishonor. To compare two one-term former DPM’s and several MP’s to a three-term former PM’s farewell messages is unthinkable. Regardless of their parliamentary status, the Right Honorable Prime Minister of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas always has precedence over his parliamentary colleagues. The former Prime Minister would always be simply the best, better than all the rest and the envy PLP’s and their weak-willed leader knows it. History will reward this great man for his momentous accomplishment despite his enemies’ attempt to rewrite it.