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pingmydling says...

Another conspiracy theorist. The Haitians are coming to get us. My2centz would be right at home on the Mexican border with Trump.

On EDITORIAL: We need a Marshall Plan for Haiti

Posted 12 February 2019, 2:53 p.m. Suggest removal

pingmydling says...

you got that right.

pingmydling says...

Different time, different outlook, ( you will be quoting the Greeks & Romans next)
Fact remains the latter day imperialists, e.g. Drump, John Bolton, Pompeo, Stephen
Miller, Linsey Graham,etc. are the worst of the worst and must be rooted out and destroyed.
Vote Democrat!!!!

On EDITORIAL: We need a Marshall Plan for Haiti

Posted 12 February 2019, 12:37 p.m. Suggest removal

pingmydling says...

In answer to why a Haitian sloop can come all the way through the Bahamas without
being detected. Its quite simple. The boat is made entirely of wood with no engine.
In modern terminology its a stealth ship making a very small radar signature. Haitians
smart eh? Rumor has the next generation of F35 interceptors will be constructed from
"dilly " trees.

pingmydling says...

Sheeprunner ---- when the US occupied Haiti they did the same thing they did in all the
Central & South American countries they have invaded. ( Monroe Doctrine) They raped, pillaged
and generally stole all the natural resources of each country. When they left (sometimes they
have never left) Democracy behind. --- What a joke!!!

On EDITORIAL: We need a Marshall Plan for Haiti

Posted 11 February 2019, 5:22 p.m. Suggest removal

pingmydling says...

One can tell the Tribune editorial is written by elderly individuals. How many younger Bahamians have ever heard of the Marshall Plan?

On EDITORIAL: We need a Marshall Plan for Haiti

Posted 11 February 2019, 5:11 p.m. Suggest removal

pingmydling says...

A Marshall Plan for Haiti? A good idea. How much is the Tribune contributing? I'll match it.

On EDITORIAL: We need a Marshall Plan for Haiti

Posted 11 February 2019, 5:08 p.m. Suggest removal

pingmydling says...

Fritz and Trump !!! One denies our conch problem and the other denies climate change.
Oh Lord, is there any hope for humanity?
I was thinking about building an Ark. Is there anybody out there interested in a joint

pingmydling says...

this bozo in the dark shades has been fishing for 39 years , but he never goes too
close to the edge of the world in case he falls off.

pingmydling says...

You can now see why Davis went into politics. He is obviously an inept lawyer.
Of course the same applies to his politiking. Hey Davis have you tried retirement,?
it may fit you better.