Comment history

pingmydling says...

Do you remember when Ronald Reagans approval ratings were in the tank ? What did he
Do? He invaded Grenada. A war is always good for your popularity. Why is Trump
Salivating over Venezuela? Go Fweddy go!!

pingmydling says...

This decision by the Bahamas government ( kowtowing to the U.S. of course) will
surely make poor Fweddy weep and wail. Just last week he was demanding government
support Maduro. ( that ticket to Caracus is still available Fweddy). I believe the ex-U.S.
embassy is for rent. Don't miss Sir Ronnies little ramble next week on " the clown choice
-- Maduro or Trump".

pingmydling says...

I have a royal buddhist flush. I've read the Karma Sutra. Doesthat get me any cash?

pingmydling says...

I'll be a buddhist, or anything else you want. Just give me the money. Salutations.

pingmydling says...

Fweddy we understand that your knowledge of foreign affairs is somewhat limited.
( How many times did you go on those fully paid up foreign junkets???)
Please try to listen and understand----- The corrupt, human rights abuser now in control
of Venezuela ( that is your buddy Nicholas Maduro) has been condemned by every other
Latin American, Central American (except Nicaraguan Ortega--another friend of yours),
Caribbean and North American leaders.
Now poor old Fweddy wants to stand alone and suck up to Maduro ---good luck with that.
Why don't you visit ( not on we expense though). They have some great prison cells and
torture chambers in Caracas. Shall I make you a reservation?

pingmydling says...

Kevin Evans you are the most sanctimonious ignorant buffoon to ever put pen to paper
(digitally not correct I suppose). You write more crap everyday than the Tribune
editorials, Charles Dickens and Dostoevsky combined. Much love your friendly
neighborhood TDS. P.S. Get a job.

On Don't underestimate those US presidents

Posted 20 January 2019, 5:46 a.m. Suggest removal

pingmydling says...

Wish it was a black ( trump would want white) hearse.

pingmydling says...

Frank Smith = PLP = Guilty.= QED.

pingmydling says...

This comment was removed by the site staff for violation of the usage agreement.

On ‘Minnis trip makes us look like grovelling mendicants’

Posted 16 January 2019, 2:55 p.m.

pingmydling says...

Fweddy begged Hubert to take him with him. He told the PM he knew every dark, nasty,
hangout in every capital in Europe.; but party pooper PM said no. Fweddy was so vexed he had
to make one of his intermittent pubic ( oops -- sorry) I meant public rants. Fweddy take a leaf from Dylan Thomas and please go gentle into that good night.