Comment history

pingmydling says...

Captain Baboo Bahamians are kind compassionate people, so you must come from
somewhere else. I suggest you go back to where you slid out from and take your maga with you.

pingmydling says...

Captain Baboon you must be one of the last great white suprematists. MLK is turning
In his grave.

pingmydling says...

Exactly right " tell it like it is" . Good observation. Trump don't care, he doesn't visit
Sh**hole countries unless its to buy them.

pingmydling says...

Minnis, John Bolton and Trump discussed democracy.
Two wolves and a sheep discussed what to have for supper.

pingmydling says...

You are right, if you look closely you can see the Lyford Cay sand on it.
(by the by ---- thats not the real botox babe, thats her body double. --- check out SNL.)
The real one is uncomfortable around too many black people.

pingmydling says...

Oh come John, Trump ain't smart enough to figure out your photo ops. thoughts.

pingmydling says...

The Monroe Doctrine was another word for "American Imperialism " They wanted their
Share before the British, French,etc. Carved up the continent.
Learn Mandarin and you will be spared, otherwise its a reeducation centre for you
( At least conditions are better than Foxhill).

pingmydling says...

Well Mudda you sure do have a wiener complex. Keep taking your tablets and visit
Your shrink Asap.

pingmydling says...

Is that Zecchino or Zucchini. I guess they are both mindless vegetables.

pingmydling says...

Paul Vincent Fascist. --- has a nice ring to it don't you think?
(But then again I doubt thinking is your forte).