Comment history

pingmydling says...

Poor ol' Leslie aka--- pathological liar ---Miller.
He would not know a BPL bill if it got up and bit him.
( He never paid one - or the family - so why would he recognise one?)
Trump sycophants scream out " Lock her up".
In Leslie's case "Lock him up".
And throw away the key.!!

On Miller begs BPL - leave the lights on

Posted 28 November 2018, 12:44 p.m. Suggest removal

pingmydling says...

Inigogo --- my poor wanna be 'Washington Post' contributor
Santa wants to know if you have bee 'naughty' or 'nice.
if the latter he will send you the new "Basic Journalism 101" book.
Lordy -- where does the Tribune find these people???

pingmydling says...

Inigo------don't give up your day job.
Inigo------more like Inistop.

pingmydling says...

talking about s***hole countries ( that is a direct quote from from your leader Donald S*** Trump.
I am of the view that this problem needs to be solved once and for all.
Send every last Bahamian to Haiti -- keep all the Haitians here!!
Oh happy day. It would be such a sweet place then.

pingmydling says...

Trump can serve out his impending life sentence here.
Cannot be any worse than our own clowns can it?
Well maybe it can!

pingmydling says...

I agree with all the above comments.
but don't just wallow in cheap talk and lamentations.
Do something
viva la revolution!!!!!!!!!

On A PM term limit would prevent another Pindling

Posted 15 November 2018, 5:56 a.m. Suggest removal

pingmydling says...

Kevin, for once you are talking sense!!!!

On A PM term limit would prevent another Pindling

Posted 14 November 2018, 6:05 a.m. Suggest removal

pingmydling says...

An excellent supplement from the Tribune.
Well done.

pingmydling says...

It is a pity you had to spoil your sincere sounding tribute to
Roberts by quoting that money making charlatan William Graham.

On Bradley, a man who meant well for us all

Posted 9 November 2018, 5:31 a.m. Suggest removal

pingmydling says...

Dear Birdiebrain
that almost wants to sound like a threat.
maybe you should join the Trump administration, you would fit
right in!!!
Ping, Trump & Birdie. What a world beating combination!!