Comment history

pingmydling says...

WSC ---Mr. Woods truly sums up the sewerage part of the title.

pingmydling says...

Licks2 I don't disagree with what you are trying to say. Can I suggest a more in depth study
Of the history of the Third Reich would be beneficial to your argument.

pingmydling says...

Here we have Sir Ronald Sanders pontificating on citizenship responsibilities.
The SIR a British accolade, makes his money so called lecturing in the UK and Canada.
Wants to be above the nationalistic fray and be the leader of the Caribbean community.
Do everybody a favour Ronnie and shut the hell up.

pingmydling says...

Spell check -----ought, not aught.

On Double standards exist for FNM, claims Davis

Posted 19 February 2019, 10:36 a.m. Suggest removal

pingmydling says...

I do not understand why the Tribune has to import an editorial two or three times a week.
Are there no bahamians who could write an erudite comment on the current US political
Situation with possible local connections.? Is there not enough local Bahamian news to
Make an editorial worthwhile? Are the Tribune staff just to lazy and/or incompetant to write one daily? If you want US news there is a million news channels available ( this is the 21st.
Century). Does the Tribune have an editorial staff. ? Just wondering.

pingmydling says...

I agree with everything you say, but please don't take my noisey, smelly, gas guzzling, Caddy
Away. ( electric for everybody else).

On Reusable fuels is the way to go

Posted 19 February 2019, 8:57 a.m. Suggest removal

pingmydling says...

Many rich people live in the Village Rd./ Breezy Hill area. Garbage in, garbage can stay in.

On Cronyism is still thriving

Posted 19 February 2019, 8:10 a.m. Suggest removal

pingmydling says...

Momo we are forming an underground organisation to bring down this despotic,
Corrupt regime. You would be a welcome addition to our growing ranks. It seems you have already graduated from the Joseph Goebbels school of journalism so thats a very positive

On Double standards exist for FNM, claims Davis

Posted 19 February 2019, 7:59 a.m. Suggest removal

pingmydling says...

Momo even if you are blind I agree with everything you say. So true.

On Double standards exist for FNM, claims Davis

Posted 19 February 2019, 7:50 a.m. Suggest removal

pingmydling says...

Mabon, now that you have let Taylor Industries go belly up maybe you could go into the garbage
buisness. By the way who fixes my Maytag now???

On Cronyism is still thriving

Posted 19 February 2019, 7:04 a.m. Suggest removal