Comment history

pinkbaby says...

Thomas apparently u did not read my comment u trying to add to what concerned citizen said and u make no sense and then u want talk about a good teacher will not write that way lol

pinkbaby says...

Lol wow last time i checked this was not a classroom but a place to express views on a topic. u understood the message so respond to that. Oh are u going to mention my i's aren't capitalized either? By the way even well known authors make mistakes and their books are still published. i've seen and but because used many times at the beginning of sentences. Get a life u dont know me to comment on how i teach. When i teach i know exactly what to and how to teach it. In life please don't make mistakes. I wish u all the grammatical success. Peace.

pinkbaby says...

They need to take full advantage! And indeed there are true concerns but you are not a teacher I assume, so it is easy for you to simply talk out of your head. If the problems are not addressed ALL teachers should go on strike to show the government this aint a game. Remmeber without teachers everything practically shuts down. As for setting good examples for students; Parents need to stop using teachers as a baby sitter and be more concerned about their child's education and that means to also put pressure on this lowsy government. Some schools on the family island is in great need of teachers but yet you are going to announce we are ready for the new school year! And my dear sir you sound like you are saying teachers should sit back and take it. We as teachers pay union dues to have good representation when in situations like this! That is what a union does, fight for it's members rights. We have the right to feel safe! among many other things. I applaud you Mrs. Belinda, solidarity forever!