Comment history

plan242 says...

Yes. I agree. Many legal transactions are a required necessity, just like insurance too, so where is the “shared burden” there? The lawyers in politics should have price controls imposed on their practices. Then there’s the banks, another necessity… I’d like to see them “share the burden” too!

plan242 says...

He's all over the place. Maybe he is bi-polar. trigger happy, shooting from the hip with his decisions. Where is the consistency?

plan242 says...

Hmm. So what about all the produce and other items that are handled hourly by non-gloved customers AND employees at the supermarket?!

plan242 says...

I agree about the online aspect- it would help merchants greatly (regardless of the Covid situation). BUT, non-essential businesses, even if you have online presence and capacity to accept online payments, are not allowed to deliver or offer curb-side pickup. That's been the experience of a few merchants I have spoken with that have checked with government. Or maybe special permission has to be granted... again, possibly at the whim of whomever is given the power to do.

plan242 says...

I agree- the benefits of online would be great to merchants like this. BUT, government is not allowing these non-essential businesses to sell online since the product cannot be delivered or picked up curbside! So even if you have online capacity, and can take payment, if you are non-essential, you cannot sell because the customer has no legal way of receiving their product!