Comment history

pocoloo says...

"Provided that the right to be registered as a citizen of The Bahamas under this Article shall be subject to such exceptions or qualifications as may be prescribed in the interests of national security of public policy"."

That Provided is the "exception" in the provision. The entitlement is subject to the exceptions and qualifications as may be prescribed.....

The grant of Citizenship is determined on a case by case basis and Immigration knows why they refused her. You should not be writing the PM or the Minister of Immigration to interfere in their decision. Go to the COURTS because the next headline will be how the PM or Minister interfered and granted citizenship to so and so for votes and how they are so corrupt.

pocoloo says...

Let Bowleg stay right there. He from Andros but he never had to worry about anything and still don't. He may be the MP but unless he polls the constituents he cannot make that statement. The majority of the people objecting to this project don't live in North Andros.

pocoloo says...

Brave sat in the House while the Min of Public Works thanked him for discussing the regulations. BRAVE did not protest, now he speaks? Boy go sit down!

On PLP leader criticises emergency order

Posted 20 March 2020, 9:06 a.m. Suggest removal

pocoloo says...

Yes, following Dorien the law was carried out, Haitians residing here illegally were deported and deportations will continue. Bahamian students abroad who must vacate the dorm, pack your bags and return home.

pocoloo says...

You are so simple-minded. Every country in the world conducts a census. Aside from the short -term employment, the data collected will be invaluable. Sometimes it is best to be quiet when you don't have anything sensible to say.

On Census to recruit 1,700 staff

Posted 11 March 2020, 6:39 p.m. Suggest removal

pocoloo says...

The report has mistakes as it relates to the boat. He was found under the same boat they left in (25ft Mako), the body was submerged in water and Russell is still missing.

pocoloo says...

TAL, You are an IDIOT and always have been along with those who agree with that shallow statement you made. You are so deep in the PLP you cannot differentiate national issues from your personal dislike for the FNM. Stop liking man, that is Brent's money. The Haitians need to hear that message.

pocoloo says...

So now a Haitian is mad for our money?? This woman mixed right up. I am tired of these Haitians trying to dictate to our government.

pocoloo says...

Yall keep referring to this bahamian father who has been absent throughout this entire ordeal. It is not farfetched that this "Bahamian father" is another misrepresentation by this woman. Even if the referendum had passed, an invisible father still can't pass his citizenship.

On Taranique – so glad to be in America

Posted 10 October 2018, 12:57 p.m. Suggest removal

pocoloo says...

Parents come here illegally, have these anchor babies now they expect the govt to bend the rules? The mother of that child needs to take responsibility for his problem. Go get a Haitian passport. For the love of God, when will the government remove article 7 from the Constitution?