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porkchops says...

sorry, honestly cant say i feel for her. Speaking as a mother myself, i honestly can't feel sorry. What it is is a lack of training, and most parents fail to understand this. Your child is doing poorly in school, you reward them with the latest Jordans, a laptop, blackberry cellphone or whatever the child requests. The child sees that no standard is set, because he or she wants these things and you readily provide without teaching the value (making them work for it, whether it be a job after school or in the summer or getting good grades in school). It teaches them they can get whatever they want when they want it and as they grow they grow with that mentality. Once out of school they now realize things don't just fall into their laps like it used to...they then start to find ways to make "quick money" they resort to getting this money "by any means necessary". Another issue is respect of people and their property and manners..if children are taught these things from small it will never leave..I always remember my mother teaching me right from wrong and saying yes or no ma'am or sir knowing the value of peoples belongings and up to this day I would not touch someones personal items without permission. There is also a battle with peer pressure trying to fit in to impress the crowd...I feel as though if you are a parent you should be involved in your child's life. Know all their friends and just have a chat maybe every week or so to see how things are going in school. These are vital to any child's upbringing and can be detrimental to the child if not taken seriously. Right now with my 1 year old I am instilling values and morals because at this age he can understand. It is important to start early so that the child grows with these teachings. These are some of my thoughts as to why this man may have been such a menace to society...I am deeply sorry for her loss...but in all honesty it is her fault. I am rearing my child in the way of which i was raised. I am not saying I am an exemplary member of society but I am not bringing harm to my society in anyway either. This is my five cents...I'm just sayin....