Comment history

positiveinput says...

What a bold statement to make, "The Government can't reimburse anybody. Don't even go there because B.E.C. aint got no money to reimburse anybody with". How could you be so bold. What if the consumers reversed that statement after using the electricity and its time to pay. Mr. Miller clearly states that it is workers negligence that cost the blackout, yet now with the power back on, to the regular customers, freezers and fridge compressors had to run longer to bring the temperature back to normal working range. Those with electric pumps must run longer now to initially full there water tanks. All of these things require more electricity to be used which would reflect in our bills. This power usage is not the consumers fault, so why cant the consumer be credited a percentage on next billing period? If B.E.C. doesn't have no money that's B.E.C.'s managing problem because most of us struggle to pay our bill. However we cannot pay the bill arise from workers laziness. That's stealing by means of employment - B.E.C.

positiveinput says...

Look at the name, Bahamas Junkanoo Carnival. From the name where does the Non Bahamian International Artist fit in. Is more like Bahamas Junkanoo/International Music Carnival. Have you ever seen a person carry a church hymn book in a club? So why mix match this event?

positiveinput says...

Why is there a need to book these expensive entertainers when we have home grown Bahamian Artist whom are just as good, if not even better. I have had the opportunity as a disc jockey to work on Rawson Square, Junkanoo Beach and Prince George Warf. For every event when I selected Bahamian Rake n Scrape, the tourist would ask in amazement where could they find a cd with that type music. I started carrying a stack of blanks so whenever asked, I could give a quick burn copy as a gift. You would be amaze the tips given. Why overlook the talent we have right here. Nobody performs better than a Bahamian artist. What would you call Bahamian entertainment, Rihanna acting out some sex act on stage, or an artist knocking the conch style, mashing the roach or good old clean ring play?

On ‘Carnival is no risk to society’

Posted 6 February 2015, 3:32 p.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

They're reporting the accident, so doesn't that look like an accident scene????

positiveinput says...

bismark for Prime Minister. You got my vote

On Marine shot dead at club

Posted 27 January 2015, 11:04 a.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

The barber was at home.... ?????????????? Don't seem from the story that he even was in an altercation with anyone.

On Marine shot dead at club

Posted 27 January 2015, 11:01 a.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

if he was an arm robber, appeal that judgment!!!

On Armed robbery suspect shot dead in ambush

Posted 22 January 2015, 6:43 p.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

Why should disciplinary proceedings against he men be conducted if the Acting Coroner has to review the file to determine whether action should be taken against the officers. The death was classified as unlawful, yet to take actions against the officers is now questionable.

positiveinput says...

This VAT foolishness is just as greedy as a bank selling a repo home/car. If a person looses their home due to lack of payment, to hell with how much they owed, that bank would get that home appraised and sell it over for more than what they was owed. Let that second person loose that same home, the same process is repeated. How much time must a bank get pay for one piece of land. Now here VAT is introduce to our good Bahamaland. Here we are purchasing new products (from abroad) at its suggest retail price, we're paying the shipping and duty to import our goods, put still the Governments comes with their big greedy hands back in the consumers pocket. Gees not to mention there is no increase in jobs nor existing salaries.

positiveinput says...

In the United States, at the end of a term the citizens file for their tax return. However we as Bahamians when we shop their we pay tax on the products we purchase, but are not able to get a tax return at the end of a given period. Now after paying this tax - with no return we have another tax we must pay, again with no return. Many people go to the store with just sufficient to purchase the necessities their household needs. Now after scrapping to do this they need to further scrap to purchase what they are scrapping for. Didn't the Government just legalize the number houses in an attempt to obtain revenue. By doing that they already have forces certain establishments to close their doors resulting in loss of jobs, so homes are now placing their financial obligations on one (in some cases 2) less income. Now comes the good thinking of the Government to pay a mandatory increased bill consumers are already struggling to pay.