Comment history

positiveinput says...

Mauricenedia, you cant just judge looks. For eg. take a look at the police who killed that man in custody. I think its more inhumane to beat a man to death than to shoot him. Note either one needs strict punishment.

positiveinput says...

yes sir!!!

On 'Too much rain to collect garbage'

Posted 6 June 2012, 11:19 p.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

If this criminal was wearing an ankle brace, how hard is it to figure out which individual was not in place during that time. Or if it was someone out on bail being monitered, how is it that his leaving his monitered location was not detected. Hold on wait, I just remembered charges were being considered for someone who stole a throne.

On Victims are possibly mother and son

Posted 6 June 2012, 10:45 p.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

You're right 242, election done over so whatever is good for one is good for the other now. There should be no red, gold, or green right now, just the well-being of ALL Bahamians.

On Burrows makes vow to help Bahamians

Posted 6 June 2012, 10:31 p.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

How is it that an individual be suspected for a recent matter, wanted posters place up and everything, is never charged for that matter. Yet a matter years ago, he is charged for. Before reports of this club shooting, doesn't seem like Stubbs was being sorted by the police because of the fact that he was right home. Lets put right where right is because on day it could be one of our very own family members experiencing this 'injustice'. By the way what about the man whom was in pocession of the throne that had no permission to remove it. Did the police ever 'figure' out if to charge him.

positiveinput says...

Rain doesn't affect just plain nasty people. Theres a large bin in the background that no garbage can be seen overflowing so its ok to say the bin is not full. The owners of the stalls could contribute a mere five to ten dollars each to hire a bobcat tractor to regather that mess and place it in the bin. Besides if the garbage trucks are taking long to come that garbage is still the responsibility of those working from that premises to keep it in an orderly manner. Its not the garbage collectors duty to pick up behind you guys. Have your trash neatly packaged. Night after night stray dogs knock over and scatter my garbage but before I use that lame excuse that the truck taking long to come, morning after morning I regroup my garbage neatly. You had the nerve to mentioned rats, so why hasn't the proper ministry closes that area down. Rats dont just run through garbage. After rumbling through garbage, rats would enter your establishment after hours, walking over tables, counter tops, chairs, dishware etc. Yet because the garbage trucks are behind schedule you think its ok to have that mess there.

On 'Too much rain to collect garbage'

Posted 6 June 2012, 10:12 p.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

This comment was removed by the site staff for violation of the usage agreement.

On Ex-policeman faces delay in sentence

Posted 6 June 2012, 9:41 p.m.

positiveinput says...

In the picture there is a large dumpster that nine chance out of ten is not full. Yes the garbage collectors may have been behind on the collections but to see a large bin there and all that garbage on the floor just justify nastiness. The stall owners themselves could contribute five or ten dollars each to hire a bobcat tractor to place the garbage in the bin. When a truck does come, its not their responsibility to place your garbage in the bin. You guys just nasty and to complain about rats which carry around all types of desease, the proper ministry need to close that area down until you stall owners do your part. Rats after running around that same garbage will find their way into the establishments walking all over counter tops, tables, chair, cookware, etc. My garbage home doesn't get picked up regular and dogs scatter it, but does that give me right to complain and leave it. No I rake it up, bag and secure it until the truck comes to carry it. Stop being nasty and hire a tractor to regather your trash. Until the garbage truck comes for it that is still your responsibility.

positiveinput says...

Well Mr. Bell, take a good look at Mr Turnquest picture and notice the room that is there for yours. Seems like your job only consists of reminding the people of what the FNM did or did not do when you should be focusing on executing your own agenda that should have been carefully planned out and ready for action. It seems that election day has not pass for you as yet but keep in mind don't wait until 2017 to just remember your job.

On Witness programme claims 'baseless'

Posted 6 June 2012, 1:46 p.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

Tell me something. This Stephen Stubbs from 21st August, 2009 to June 2012 was never in police custody aye. Or even if not, how come if he was just suspected of a club shooting recently, he was so swiftly apprehended but from 2009 to now he's just being charge for a matter. I doubt that he was hiding from the law that long for an abetting crime if for a recent club shooting he was suspected of he just sat home. Earn the respct you request as a police force and by the way what charges was given to that individual whom admitted to removing that throne and footage was recovered from security cameras.

On Mother's plea for 'innocent' son

Posted 6 June 2012, 12:03 p.m. Suggest removal