Nothing was out of context because if I was to make a statement, someone records it and edit it to benefit their suggestion, then I explain or try to explain the nature in which the statement was made, as a person who never heard my entire statement, no judgement should be made. If I was to say, "You think my neighbour stupid to let you throw that dead cat in his garbage", could you truly tell my neighbour I called him stupid. The recording of Mr Miller was a portion of the entire statement he made played at a FNM rally as a means of election tactics. I know most of you listen to Real Talk so think how most every day Mr. Bodie would complement a male guest, afterwards reply, "now i dont want you think i like man cause i dont go that way. If that statement was recorded and only the capitalized words played over and over, what would you conclude of Mr Bodie if you didn't hear his entire show yourself.
The same way tobacco is said to cost the treasury milions in revenue loss thru smuggling and needs to be secured as an important source of government revenue by taxation, why is making gambling legal getting so much red tape. Whats the difference here when just like smuggling tobacco, number houses are going untaxed and the government is loosing a steady source of revenue. To add to that, I never saw a surgeon generals warning .accross the door of a number house.
Crime has come back to haunt them. Stop one minute, where did crime go. The presence of crime never left but the efforts to apprehend criminals seemed to have increased. Its either because the PLP is in power or just the hard working officers of the RBPF is cracking down harder on criminals. Which ever it is, the efforts are being seen, and that statement go even if the FNM was still in power. Give credit where credit is due and stop trying to find the smallest track road to travel which leads to defeat when there is a big wide confortable road to success ready to accommodate everyone. Again I'll put it out to you guys - if the concern of the fnm, dna, Independant Party and PLP is for a better Bahamas, then lets stop downing each others plans, combine all ideas and use the best of the best from either groups to reborn our Beautiful Bahamaland.
Respect acknowledge at the same time respect return also. Still it was just disturbing for '242' and 'notsogullible' to make spot (insulting remarks) of a picture, when under another headline wanted to scold an individual for insulting a comment that was post first bythem. You just ended up getting mixed up with them as a result of posting we have a 'queen' which showed a level of insult towards a male prime minister. We would comment about our school children attitude towards authority (teachers/administration) but look at us grown-ups. Posting negative comments about our ministers (administrative personnel) facial appearance or comparing a male to the likeness of a queen; what more should we expect from our kids.
Majority of persons commenting try to be insulting because of political preference. If the PLP headlines says 'X', FNM post why not 'Y' or vice-versa, when its logical that if both supporting team discuss their veiws as real adults we would conclude that using whomever party plans with the involvement of various points from the other party, this - our bahamaland would be a better place. Remember the saying 'No man is an island', lets take it on step further 'One political party alone does not make up the island'.
Ok Arob, in reposnce to your comment all I am trying to get across to especially 242 is that under a different headline he stated to me I only know how to insult - try to insult. So give me your honest opinion, comparing the men in the picture to that of being at a furneral, or classing our Prime Minister, a male as a Queen; wouldn't that be trying to insult. Lets put right where right is whether we support fnm or plp. Like you said its not about a photograph because under the headling FNM Criticises Budget For Playing The Blame Game - those men express the same 'funeral' expression or theres a pic of Butler-Turner that many plp's if wanted could have criticise and make spot of but again I fully agree wiith you that it is not about the photograph, so instead of scolding me, start with notsogullible and 242. I'm am more a you start I finish person so now you'll understand my post to 242 originated from another headline.
Its funny how 242 could have pointed out when someone else uses a comment to insult him, yet he, concerncitizen and notsogullible is doing the same. By the way if you take your own advise and comprehend a picture instead of trying to be insulting you would notice that the Prime Minister is in the middle of speaking and the group around him is listening attentively. 'Oracle', this is a still picture that was randomly taken, no instructions were given (say cheese) when it was took, so when an individual is speaking, most people tend to look in the direction of the speaker or do some other means of focusing on what is being said. I strongly think to look at a camera-man relentlessly wondering if now is when hes going to take the shot only distracts a listener.
positiveinput says...
Nothing was out of context because if I was to make a statement, someone records it and edit it to benefit their suggestion, then I explain or try to explain the nature in which the statement was made, as a person who never heard my entire statement, no judgement should be made. If I was to say, "You think my neighbour stupid to let you throw that dead cat in his garbage", could you truly tell my neighbour I called him stupid. The recording of Mr Miller was a portion of the entire statement he made played at a FNM rally as a means of election tactics. I know most of you listen to Real Talk so think how most every day Mr. Bodie would complement a male guest, afterwards reply, "now i dont want you think i like man cause i dont go that way. If that statement was recorded and only the capitalized words played over and over, what would you conclude of Mr Bodie if you didn't hear his entire show yourself.
On Miller: 'Stupid Bahamians' quote was out of context
Posted 4 June 2012, 8:52 p.m. Suggest removal
positiveinput says...
The same way tobacco is said to cost the treasury milions in revenue loss thru smuggling and needs to be secured as an important source of government revenue by taxation, why is making gambling legal getting so much red tape. Whats the difference here when just like smuggling tobacco, number houses are going untaxed and the government is loosing a steady source of revenue. To add to that, I never saw a surgeon generals warning .accross the door of a number house.
On Tax stamps for tobacco products
Posted 4 June 2012, 4:13 p.m. Suggest removal
positiveinput says...
Crime has come back to haunt them. Stop one minute, where did crime go. The presence of crime never left but the efforts to apprehend criminals seemed to have increased. Its either because the PLP is in power or just the hard working officers of the RBPF is cracking down harder on criminals. Which ever it is, the efforts are being seen, and that statement go even if the FNM was still in power. Give credit where credit is due and stop trying to find the smallest track road to travel which leads to defeat when there is a big wide confortable road to success ready to accommodate everyone. Again I'll put it out to you guys - if the concern of the fnm, dna, Independant Party and PLP is for a better Bahamas, then lets stop downing each others plans, combine all ideas and use the best of the best from either groups to reborn our Beautiful Bahamaland.
On Two banks robbed, two suspects apprehended
Posted 3 June 2012, 11:22 a.m. Suggest removal
positiveinput says...
Keep up the good work officers and our prayers go out to the officer who was injury on duty and to keep the rest of you out of harms way.
On Police officer shot at hospital
Posted 3 June 2012, 10:56 a.m. Suggest removal
positiveinput says...
Respect acknowledge at the same time respect return also. Still it was just disturbing for '242' and 'notsogullible' to make spot (insulting remarks) of a picture, when under another headline wanted to scold an individual for insulting a comment that was post first bythem. You just ended up getting mixed up with them as a result of posting we have a 'queen' which showed a level of insult towards a male prime minister. We would comment about our school children attitude towards authority (teachers/administration) but look at us grown-ups. Posting negative comments about our ministers (administrative personnel) facial appearance or comparing a male to the likeness of a queen; what more should we expect from our kids.
Majority of persons commenting try to be insulting because of political preference. If the PLP headlines says 'X', FNM post why not 'Y' or vice-versa, when its logical that if both supporting team discuss their veiws as real adults we would conclude that using whomever party plans with the involvement of various points from the other party, this - our bahamaland would be a better place. Remember the saying 'No man is an island', lets take it on step further 'One political party alone does not make up the island'.
On Prime Minister calls contracts signed ahead of election 'Bribes'
Posted 2 June 2012, 1:06 p.m. Suggest removal
positiveinput says...
Ok Arob, in reposnce to your comment all I am trying to get across to especially 242 is that under a different headline he stated to me I only know how to insult - try to insult. So give me your honest opinion, comparing the men in the picture to that of being at a furneral, or classing our Prime Minister, a male as a Queen; wouldn't that be trying to insult. Lets put right where right is whether we support fnm or plp. Like you said its not about a photograph because under the headling FNM Criticises Budget For Playing The Blame Game - those men express the same 'funeral' expression or theres a pic of Butler-Turner that many plp's if wanted could have criticise and make spot of but again I fully agree wiith you that it is not about the photograph, so instead of scolding me, start with notsogullible and 242. I'm am more a you start I finish person so now you'll understand my post to 242 originated from another headline.
On Prime Minister calls contracts signed ahead of election 'Bribes'
Posted 1 June 2012, 11:15 p.m. Suggest removal
positiveinput says...
Wheres the photo experts now? notsogullible care to say what comes to mind now with this pic.
On 'FNM must be united'
Posted 1 June 2012, 10:20 p.m. Suggest removal
positiveinput says...
couldn't explain it better
On Teen in court over election night murder
Posted 1 June 2012, 9:53 p.m. Suggest removal
positiveinput says...
Wish you all the best and keep up the good work. I hope other individuals follow your example.
On Valentino and his efforts to revitalise area for community
Posted 1 June 2012, 9:22 p.m. Suggest removal
positiveinput says...
Its funny how 242 could have pointed out when someone else uses a comment to insult him, yet he, concerncitizen and notsogullible is doing the same. By the way if you take your own advise and comprehend a picture instead of trying to be insulting you would notice that the Prime Minister is in the middle of speaking and the group around him is listening attentively. 'Oracle', this is a still picture that was randomly taken, no instructions were given (say cheese) when it was took, so when an individual is speaking, most people tend to look in the direction of the speaker or do some other means of focusing on what is being said. I strongly think to look at a camera-man relentlessly wondering if now is when hes going to take the shot only distracts a listener.
On Prime Minister calls contracts signed ahead of election 'Bribes'
Posted 1 June 2012, 9:14 p.m. Suggest removal