Comment history

potcake says...

who are you concerned with being shot? a criminal.... your concern for their safety is way too high considering their concern for yours....but the truth is that a firearm in a homeowner, or business owners hands could be a deterrent to a criminal. besides your reason for not giving a firearm to a law abiding citizen is because of corruption in the government? well then we shouldn't have cars or homes or food either...

On Bahamas Bus and Truck robbed

Posted 18 November 2013, 7:58 p.m. Suggest removal

potcake says...

I agree that we need tighter gun laws in the Bahamas. In that statement there was a lot of talk about licensed firearm holders, but these are not the criminals they had to pass tight background checks in the Bahamas to obtain them. and all those guns are accounted for by their owners, these are not the people that are the problem, the criminals are. We do need to enforce our laws on the license holders, our firearms are for hunting only not to be carried around in vehicles for protection. But in short you should not talk about criminals and law abiding citizens with the same tongue.

On US gun checks would have helped the Bahamas

Posted 14 November 2013, 7:36 p.m. Suggest removal