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pretrib says...

This like many others was supposed to be an open and shut case, but there was always some "interruption". However,the case stayed in theminds of a lot of persons because of its brutality an a display of coldness that took place in public. Where it goesfrom here is anyone's guess,but we will all have to agree that the nation has reached a tipping point and this may be the case that tells us which road we are going to be on forthe next 40 years. Some people have said that skinny lawyers are a sign ofanation that is healthy.

pretrib says...

It is very difficult to listen to preaching that is subjective and not factual. What is being implied is that the woman "Eve" did something that she was not authorized to do because of the "knowledge"argument", but Genesis 3 thells us that Adam was there. If Eve is really responsible why did God blame Adam? Dr.Munroe has a habit of saying things to get your attention, but his presentations tend to get out of hand; especially when a careful exegesis of scripture does not support some of his preaching or teaching. Those who preach anything that is "particular" outside of what has been revealed, will always preach what the Bible means to them, but we are not called to that. Human beings are called to "what it means", if you do not answer this question, what it means to you is irrelevant. Persons who go out on tangents, do not believe that every verse of scripture has only one meaning, it can have a thousand applications; and those of us who go about finding scripture to fit the applications we want to proclaim are in error. Have you wondered why the crowds are so large at some gatherings? A single verse or Bible story has been twisted to make a dubiuos application that attracts many and offends no one. The problem with putting the Gospel out there is that even the one proclaiming it is convicted when it is really Preached or Teached.