Comment history

pro_test says...

Same guy think he said about the 7-1/2% VAT then he increase it right away to 12%. This dude really think people forgetting the BS he did to us.

pro_test says...

Crime has been out of control, but for the first time we are seeing great emphasis being put on prevention and eradication of crime. But as usual we make it political (PLP's and FNM's), for the year the crime rate looks like it will be at the same level it was pre-pandemic so what makes it a crises now and not then?

pro_test says...

I can't believe this made it as news. This is basic common sense for any visitor and host in any part of the world where humans or animals exist. I mean who visits a place and don't have concerns of the things to do and not to do. But as usual with our daily paper create fear and call it news. Anyone inviting visitors from another country to stay at their place cautions their guest as to where is considered safe and not safe. Whether you visit the US, Cuba, China, The Caribbean, Africa, Russia, Middle East There are cautions.

On AirBnB fears over crime

Posted 12 October 2022, 12:12 p.m. Suggest removal

pro_test says...

Anyone with common sense know that we will need an explanation as to why we still need to wear a mask than why we don't need to wear a mask. Covid has become on the same level as the common cold, Can it morph and become worst again? yes! but should we live in fear waiting to see if it happens? No! we will always have kids, the elderly and the immune compromise as we had always have them from the beaning of time. but we were living without mask before and we are going to live without mask again and that's a guarantee.

pro_test says...

Dumb gets Dumber, He is not in front of a class room he is outside and expressing a human trait. WOW

On Teachers walk out at Thelma Gibson

Posted 14 September 2022, 10:35 a.m. Suggest removal

pro_test says...

You must have a suitable target, the opportunity must present itself, and there must be something of value. If you remove one of those from the equation, crime can’t cannot occur.”

In other words "you have to be human, living in NP Bahamas and own anything of value. WTF!!!!

The Police can't be everywhere, it's time we give people the right to protect themselves. The criminals rule the country.

pro_test says...

Dog don't bark at park car.

On Ingraham: PLP avoids tough decisions

Posted 22 August 2022, 10:37 a.m. Suggest removal

pro_test says...

The RBPF don't worth shhh when it comes to stolen cars. The thugs realize that the RBPF don't prioritize theft of cars as a crime. I had two cars stolen from me and both times I was told by the RBPF to ride around and see if I find it and if I do to call them. how the f i going to ride around if the car stolen. If I was a crook, stealing cars would be my career because I know the Police don't give a shit about that. The RBPF is tell you that's an insurance situation.

On ‘Be on lookout for car robbers’

Posted 21 July 2022, 9:57 a.m. Suggest removal

pro_test says...

This a long read of nothing hey?

pro_test says...

The only solution right now is automatic jail time for being in a gang, we know they're going to commit a crime why the hell we waiting for it. Time to get tuff.