Comment history

pro_test says...

LOL, you must be kidding. PM Davis has shown more leadership qualities than our last PM (Mr. Dictator). I think you should call yourself Bias and not Educated.

pro_test says...

Is this the PM that went on the world stage and call us corrupt and thieves. Now the tables are turned on his massa he want fight. Typical dumb Ni#@a.

pro_test says...

The commissioner should think before he speak, almost sound as if he is calling the shooting a result of retaliation. And this could results on the original victim family being targeted as another form of retaliation. Or could it be the killer got bail so quick that he came out willing to do it again and the other person wasn't taking any chances and got to him first. See how this could be twist and turn? Sound like the police pointing fingers and trying to avoid the question "What are you doing about it"?

On Deadly risks of release on bail

Posted 8 March 2022, 9:53 a.m. Suggest removal

pro_test says...

From where the FNM had the country Backward is a good thing

On Turnquest: Country is going backwards

Posted 24 February 2022, 3:29 p.m. Suggest removal

pro_test says...

Love this come back. Sheeprunner12 was very disrespectful and when someone gives their opinion backed with facts why can't we just agree or disagree respectfully? Dude try flip shit like a woman

On Bahamas has highest rape rate in the world

Posted 21 February 2022, 8:05 a.m. Suggest removal

pro_test says...

Bro this is all your comments from yesterday, either you're getting paid or you need some professional help. Because your outlook on everything is negative, it's like you can see people trying and you for negative where there isn't any

he added that moving to a so-called “livable wage” - a promise contained in the Davis administration’s Speech from the Throne - is an aspiration that is much further away."
Bahamians don't need a livable wage. They are quite happy with the way things have been for the past 45 years - that's why they keep voting in the same FNM and PLP
Why would you change the living conditions for people who are already happy?
The Bahamas will be the LAST country on Earth to remove all the restrictions - just like we are last in everything else. We're used to it, long time. So this story is not even news.
Exactly - this is what always happens when Bahamians point out any lack of enforcement of laws on non-Bahamians. The govt turns against us and comes at US with a vengeance. Of course we still keep voting them into power over and over and over again - so we like using Vaseline.

On Restrictions remain as fourth wave dying out

Posted 16 February 2022, 10:07 a.m. Suggest removal

pro_test says...

Why this still in the news? This almost $10m of the people money wasted while people slept in their cars and on the beach. This should never leave the news to remind us of the heartless FNM Government so they never Govern this country again.

On Storr: Cabinet to advise on domes

Posted 16 February 2022, 9:47 a.m. Suggest removal

pro_test says...

Because the hundreds of guest are actually living on the same property and they are special. like it or not

pro_test says...

The tribune for real. We all know that there was a rule for the rich and poor under Doc (the White Woman allowed to fly in to bury her dog, Albany not having lock downs) but ya'll running a brave went to pay for gifts going on one week straight. I know for sure that yall loosing influence because if you think we don't realize that you can see the speck in the PLP eyes but can't see the log in the FNM eyes, you must be crazy.

pro_test says...

How the BCC get a stake holder? We have stake holders in an illegal enterprise that the government needs to consult? Does the BCC want a cut in the business, I mean this just add questions on top of questions. It Make sense now, The BCC just ask for tax breaks and now playing the victim role so they can make a trade we get weed and they get tax break. all about the money!!!!

On Govt should talk before cannabis legislation

Posted 21 January 2022, 2:29 p.m. Suggest removal