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pt_90 says...

thats the problem. He wont persons wont until they do. Govts dotn realize that very few persons want to spend money doing what they should do so they avoid the headache. (unless they get a sweetheart deal or massive break or concession)

On $300m Luxury hotel promises 1,000 jobs

Posted 7 February 2025, 11:07 a.m. Suggest removal

pt_90 says...

this is why we need FOIA. someone would be able to petition for the information.

pt_90 says...

Whats worse...the commisioner has the weakest statement. "I have been told".

What tthe COP should have said and so had a contract. They were directed to be cancelled. Our new policy going forward is ....All current contracts are being reviewed for similar cancellations.

Now this makes it seems like the OPM is running the force.

pt_90 says...

Agreed. Then they being dishonest saying high demand. They should have just said supply issues.

pt_90 says...

Why would there be high demand in January. Typically demand is lower this time of year no?

pt_90 says...

In 2025 if electronic salary notifications, online job applications, are reforms we are screwed.

On Govt launches bi-monthly pay opinion survey

Posted 24 January 2025, 6:29 p.m. Suggest removal

pt_90 says...

This is a simple issue. Demand and Supply.

If its a constrction cost issue why is GB homes much cheaper than NAssau's. Its beause there is less demand / more supply in GB.

So you can control what people do if they rent out but you cant force them to rent out.

So you will take an already bad supply and make it worse. So yes persons who do rent will have some relief but you will have less rentals.

So how do we fix this.

We need more competition. Think about it, if i price a place at 2k a month and a line of people are willing to rent, the market tells you there are no better options and who is to say I am over charing. If i were the guy next to me would undercut me to get his place rented. But if there arent much persons to compete with the price stays constant.

So two solutions. Incentivize those with single family dwellings to expand thier places easily to add supply.
Then allow single family lots to be easily rezoned to multifamily if they want to. New 20k sq ft single family lots make no sense in 2025 in Nassau.

Some places have taken the extreme step to great success to make all lots multifamily and reversed the problem they prev had.

pt_90 says...

I wasnt expecting to explain figures of speech this morning but here we are. Obviously the CBB is the issuer of legal tender.

However the govt has also been working with them and has made it a policy goal to see its success and is not an indifferent observer.

"Their" is used loosely here as in they are invested in its success. Its like saying "my Lakers lost", "your party won". Obviously I'm not Jeannie Buss and I dont own the Lakers.

They have wanted it to work as a matter of policy and have been trying to get it to wide spread use. (see below). However my point is that the same organization cant figure out how to rollout OT in 2025....simple.

Per the PM's 1 year anniversary speech:

"Our government also partnered with The Central Bank of The Bahamas to increase the circulation and use of the Sand Dollar. It is expected that this will make small business transactions faster, less costly and more secure."

Or the 23/24 budget "and thus we are working to expand the use of the Sand Dollar on all of our islands."

the Government's Digital Assets White Paper.

"7.1 Enabling access to digital assets for Bahamians in B$ and encouraging greater use of Sand Dollars (the Central Bank Digital Currency issued by the Central Bank of The Bahamas) is a priority for the Government. We will work with the SCB, the Central Bank of The Bahamas, and the private sector on ways to enable Bahamians to access digital assets with B$, and for Bahamians to pay taxes using Sand Dollars. We will also seek to promote wider use of Sand Dollars in commerce
on the islands."

pt_90 says...

So the government has no way of tracking overtime in 2025.

then they wonder why no one trusts thier sand dollar.

pt_90 says...

At least the government is setting a good example with the highly modern Post Office Savings Bank and the Ultra Efficient Bank of the Baham....oh no?

Never mind.

On Banks criticised as ‘barrier to progress’

Posted 19 January 2025, 12:26 p.m. Suggest removal