Comment history

pt_90 says...

I'm really trying to understand your objection. Are you disagreeing with the proposal because Dr. Minnis said it? Dr. Minnis may be full of nonsense for all we know, but the question here is should we or shouldn't we expand the access to the wealth generated by these large projects, particularly PPPs.

There is lots of cash sitting on the sidelines waiting to be invested. If there are ways we can increase the wealth of those citizens beyond an average 9-5 salary the better. These large capital projects are one way.

It even makes more sense when you think of the main reason for PPPs, captial. If the cash is out there with the public and there is an appetite for them to personally take the risk and not have it done by the treasury, you'd think the govt would be happy use it.

On Minnis challenges cruise power deal

Posted 16 September 2024, 7:20 p.m. Suggest removal

pt_90 says...

Its why governments dont care to implement any proper local govt. They want the central govt to make all decisions and picking the winners and losers.

pt_90 says...


pt_90 says...

I said on the other post I thought the MP from Amdros was doing his best Sawyer Boy impersonation.

pt_90 says...

If you pair this up with the comments from DIR and.the Andros MP it's not suprising to see why the Bahamas is where it is.

These persons think they are masters of the universe.

pt_90 says...

i think this is something the media has fell down on. What is the result of the 'gldie path'. Did it end yet? How much was raised and did it pay off the govt;. Not a peep.

pt_90 says...

Perhaps since most places ive visited ive connected to a 5g network

On Consultation begins on 5G communications

Posted 24 August 2024, 1:36 p.m. Suggest removal

pt_90 says...

of course there is never a mention about the failed hedges and how they had to double our bills for over a year during the 'glide path', nor when that actually ended, how much was collected and did they repay the debts

pt_90 says...

If the writer knew anything about the disaster that is the Post office bank, they would not have even thought about advising this as an option.

On Foreign is not better at the banks

Posted 21 August 2024, 10:38 a.m. Suggest removal

pt_90 says...

Judges and police park in fire zones all the time for non-emergencies.

Listen, if in the Bahamas we dont care for the minor laws then what do you expect.