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pt_90 says...

I had to read this a few times to figure out if he wasnt doing a Sawyer Boy type sketch

On Andros residents say ‘fix our roads’

Posted 20 August 2024, 9:36 a.m. Suggest removal

pt_90 says...

Governments have long not cared and only pay lip service until, something happens and it continues today.

You see many cars and buses puffing out large plumes of dark smoke and nothing seems to be done.
Bon fires go unchecked and unpunished.
No proper means to dispose of harmful materials like batteries, CFL lightbulbs etc.
Little by the way of recycling.
The EIA on the hospital showed the water table being contaminated in the area.
In what other areas is this the case, are the residents being warned.
Are any checks done on the water table in various areas to see if chemicals or sewage from tanks arent contaminating the water?
Then you have other environmental issues like Athol island, deforestation, fuel leaks, you name it. There was even the story that persons tied in their sewerage lines to the public drains!

But you know what the excuse will be "small countries like us only produce .0000001% of greenhouse gases". As if that's the only environmental issue we have.

pt_90 says...

If we being compared with Lebanon who has notoriously worse power issues, we are in problems. Not sure if you follow them closesly but it tends to be so bad there many people simply rely on generators and solar as thier primary source (not just as a backup). Now they ran out of fuel....

pt_90 says...

I think they meant that she was upset

"And after her performance, she admitted that she's "upset. I'm not too upset, but I'm upset"."

pt_90 says...

No but serious matters such as this pertaining to Scotland Yard is investigated by the IOPC which is not police itself. It's an independent body.

pt_90 says...

Sad and preventable

Unfortunately each day people don't follow traffic rules, signals, stops yoi name it
The govt doesn't enforce traffic rules
The govt can't even print plates
Motorcycles have taken over nassau with no care for anyone and never follow the rules

Let's get serious everyone, else we lose more lives

On Three dead in road crashes

Posted 29 July 2024, 10:06 a.m. Suggest removal

pt_90 says...

This country is run by a pack of amatuers.

On Free to have our opinions

Posted 29 July 2024, 7:08 a.m. Suggest removal

pt_90 says...

So why did the Minister say

"had obtained a lease from the Government “to do what they’re doing over there"

Can someone remind the govt that they are trusted with the people's resources. They work for us not the interests of the developers. Kudos to MP White for not letting this go. It proves exactly why we need things like FOIA requests. It also proves that we need reform in the house. Important matters need special sittings where Ministers should be called to account for matters in front of the house.

It shows why sadly this country is not progressing as it should. Slackness runs rife throughout society. if not for proximity to the the US and nice beaches I dont know where we'd be with this attitude and behaviour we have seen. Why has the "Minister for the Environment and Natural Resources" remained silent? Isnt he supposed to be championing our natural resources.

On Halt order given on Athol Island

Posted 25 July 2024, 8:34 a.m. Suggest removal

pt_90 says...

> Maybe the Ministry of Youth, Sports and Culture can also be a part of it, after all, they are spending the people’s money to help facilitate these teams.

No. The point of the BAAA and the BOC is to avoid government involvement in the first place. Experts in the fields should make decisions based on set criteria. In fact, involving the government could backfire. At least the MOYSC can wash their hands of this.

If we go along these lines, then the Ministry of Education, not the Board of Trustees, should govern UB. Or the Director of Education should hire and fire UB professors. Or Puma, being a large sponsor, should have a say in the team. The government funds lots of bands, clubs, etc. Should they choose members? No. They should simply have standards and accountability requirements on how the money is used and spent.

Now on to the specifics. If the BAAA did anything wrong, it was announcing something prematurely. Their logic and reasoning are sound. Just because you helped the team qualify doesn’t mean you qualify. The BOC should take the advice of the responsible federation once a set rule is in place that's agreed to prior.

Imagine if the Bahamas team qualified for basketball and Coach Demarco gave a list of players he wanted, only to be overruled by the BOC. How would the coach be able to lead his team without players he is comfortable with? The people closest to the sport know best. Establish rules and stick to them.

End of story.

On Weighing in on the Olympic debate

Posted 20 July 2024, 10:21 a.m. Suggest removal

pt_90 says...

So a story is written about how Bahamar's will ' mitigate possible BPL bill increase' but doesnt mention how Bahamar will do this.