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pulchritudinous says...

"A lack of knowledge cause my people to suffer"
First, it is important to find out the whole story before one can comment with sense and good judgement. College of the Bahamas students are not protesting for the right to park. But, against the sudden increase in tuition after some students have already paid their bills. While cliches are a dime a dozen, some of them seem so befitting. "To each their own." Unless You are a student at the college of the bahamas or a parent paying the tuition of course you will not begin to understand why students are complaining as everyone so adequately puts it. Yes, COB's tuition is "affordable". Consequently, we get what we pay for. A mediocre education in a less then safe establishment. If it were your car being broken into or you getting robbed on campus then I'm sure YOU would be complaining too!