Comment history

quavaduff says...

Minnis over brave is a as they say " a no brainer" ...if the PLP has any hope they have to drop any notion that brave could be a Prime Minister.

quavaduff says...

Yes they will and they were in the US as well. tRump loss by over 8 million votes.

quavaduff says...

What I do know is that the vaccines have had a 70, 80, 90% success rate in preventing Covid. I do know in the United States they report that 99% of current Covid deaths are the non vaccinated. In some States, no vaccinated persons have died from Covid in a month or more. Follow the science not facebook or loud mouths on comment forums.

quavaduff says...

We talkin Brave and the PLP here... get real. So even you can not endorse Brave and crew. Who are these "independents" that can convince the unvaccinnated to follow science. At least Minnis studied science .....

quavaduff says...

Huh....put the rum down before you write Mon

quavaduff says...

Can anyone with a clear head believe Brave's PLP would have performed better than the FNM during this pandemic....most of the unvaccinated are proud clueless PLP

quavaduff says...

The only viable economic recovery plan is to get everyone "shot up"

quavaduff says...

You probably like that dumb ask tRump...lying about the vaccine while at the same time pushing yourself to the front of the line

quavaduff says...

Than get out of the vaccine line Mon... I for one want my second shot

quavaduff says...

If tRump told the truth....that would be a first. The jury is still out on this. Personally, I trust Dr. Fauci far more than the pathological lying tRump. I would advise others to follow suit.