Comment history

quavaduff says...

The longer you ignore the fire (Covid) the more the damage .... the only hope for tourism's rebound is to irradicate the virus and that requires all to be vaccinated. I will not return to the Bahamas until that happens at a much higher level. I don't mingle with infected and potentially infected peoples. That could have deadly consequences

On Vaccines not mandatory for tourists

Posted 10 November 2021, 3:03 p.m. Suggest removal

quavaduff says...

The real question is how long before the first plp is charged with corruption and which one will it be this time ...

On Ingraham: My advice was not wanted

Posted 25 October 2021, 10:13 p.m. Suggest removal

quavaduff says...

Stop the silliness. The only way the Bahamian economy will come back is if everyone gets the vaccine. The science has proven this all over the world but you knuckleheads keep on telling people nonsense. Get vaccinated, wear masks, stay socially distant when possible and please stop listening to these anti-science fools. Science doesn't care if you believe it or not, it's still based on facts.

quavaduff says...

The Bahamian people voted for this incompetent mess. They complained when a scientist/doctor tried to scientifically combat this deadly virus and were more than eager to hand this crisis over to the same incompetent con men of the plp. I pray for my Bahamas. Please get vaccinated, wear masks and hold back from gathering in groups of unvaccinated persons.

quavaduff says...

Is there a Go Fund Me page for this patriot? Columbus killed millions........

quavaduff says...

Communists? Put down the rum mon.

quavaduff says...

Keep up the good work Bahamaland!

quavaduff says...

Hello! Covid! It still killing folks mon. Wake Up!

On Waterloo to hire 40 for end-month re-opening

Posted 5 October 2021, 10:53 a.m. Suggest removal

quavaduff says...

The Bahamas has lost a great one. RIP

quavaduff says...

To put the plp back in power shows my Bahamian people are confused as to how to move forward in this world. Join the world and legalize marijuana now! The Bahamas will make money instead incurring costs dealing with it as a major crime.

On Dictatorial tendencies cost Minnis

Posted 30 September 2021, 12:15 p.m. Suggest removal