Comment history

quietone says...

i think the biggest problem re this mask situation is how mr roberts, the owner of the super value food store,s seems to want us to wear these face masks forever... i have much respect for mr roberts but could never understand why he has this attitude... most reputable health sites regard face masks as a piece of disease garbage which causes us to keep breathing in the carbon dioxide back into our bodies...

quietone says...

At my age, and what I have already experienced in this country, I seriously believe that we need to remove these illegal guns completely off our streets... if I were a police or a RBDF member, I'd spend my complete time trying to remove these illegal guns from our country and making sure we would be completely safe from them... that would completely prevent extremely sad crimes as what has happened to kenton!!!


quietone says...

At my age, and what I have already experienced in this countrY, I seriously believe that we need to remove these illegal guns completely off our streets... if I were a police or a RBDF member, I'd spend my complete time trying to remove these illegal guns from our country and making sure we would be completely safe from them... that would completely prevent extremely sad crimes as what has happened to kenton!!!

quietone says...

My, my, it grieves me greatly to hear about this very sad and bad news... it's like way too many unfortunate incidents are happening in our beloved Bahamas...

quietone says...

Very serious comments...

On NIB reserves ‘in a state of decline’

Posted 12 July 2022, 8:31 a.m. Suggest removal

quietone says...

I strongly believe that one of the best things that can be done to stop or to reduce serious crimes in our Bahamas is to find a method to STOP illegal guns from entering this country... for what I have seen and experienced in my 88 years on this earth, I strongly believe that most or many of us with a gun, would be strongly attempted to use it to take a person's life... will continue to write about this... after a while, many would probably agree with me... we are most likely experiencing those perilous times Jesus spoke about in Matthew chapter 24...

On Fighting back on crime

Posted 8 April 2022, 2:27 p.m. Suggest removal

quietone says...

i strongly believe that we must try extremely hard to remove illegal guns from this country... if not, we would always be plagued with murders, robberies, etc,,, i am in my late 80's and about 20 years ago i strongly felt like taking someone's life, and if i had owned a gun i would have done it... left from work that day, went home, sat down, and cried me seriously for about 2 hours, wondering how on earth i could have thought of doing something so cruel, unholy and ungodly!!!

quietone says...

Earth, Receive an Honoured Guest... A Great Bahamian will be laid to rest!!!

On Sir Sidney Poitier dies age 94

Posted 7 January 2022, 2:30 p.m. Suggest removal

quietone says...…

this link gives strong evidence that most diseases are man-made...

On 520 new cases of COVID-19

Posted 3 January 2022, 7:46 p.m. Suggest removal

quietone says...

Bahamianson, could well be I did not express myself clearly... if you own a gun and its legal, that is quite all right... persons owning guns legally are respectible decent minded people... but if one owns a gun that he/she got illegally, I tend to think they could well be criminally minded...l will word my original statement much better..