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rachelg says...

Apparently, you have met Erin Greene and Jonathan Murray. There have been targeted many times, especially Erin. When she reports her attacks to the police she is laughed at, sexually assaulted by words of the officers, and her reports are never written by them. People leave your ivory towers and enter the city and the rest of the real word.

On Bahamians given asylum in Canada

Posted 25 March 2014, 9:57 a.m. Suggest removal

rachelg says...

Without gays I wouldn't have this sense of style. My hair would not look this good. My clothes would just be a plain robe, but hey a homosexual probably help with designing and sewing that too. The most famous homosexual: King James "the Bible" most of you cling too would have not distributed the Olde English Bible. The computer I have or cell phones I use would not be invented. The plane I ride on would not have existed without Leonardo Da Vinci, thats my main gay, LOVES Him. For the manly men, the ball bearing, clocks, and scuba gear would not be in existence. Please leave my gays alone.

On Bahamians given asylum in Canada

Posted 25 March 2014, 9:11 a.m. Suggest removal

rachelg says...

This is not direct at BahamianKing. Homosexuality existed before the acceptance of gay marriage, ie: Ancient Rome, Ancient Greece, Ancient Persia. It was allowed then and the human race still existed , what makes anyone believe that world's population will drop because of it. My dad always say: one thing bahamians know how to do is have sex and talk. So I don't think this should be too much of a concern. and hey if the population should ever be called into question. Reference: China and India

On Bahamians given asylum in Canada

Posted 25 March 2014, 9:01 a.m. Suggest removal

rachelg says...

Don't be daft. hiv/aids was not rampant because of the homosexuals. It was initially named after causes of homosexual patients but after years of research they found that is was originated in Africa, where the monkeys their were eaten by humans, the variations of the disease from different species of monkeys created a hybrid disease that you call hiv/aids today. It got to the western world through Haiti. Research Patient Zero and not from youtube. Because we love to take the easy way out. See I did what most people do: generalize.

On Bahamians given asylum in Canada

Posted 25 March 2014, 8:54 a.m. Suggest removal

rachelg says...

When it is a human rights issue, there is no debate. If a person seeks asylum, that is their right, no one should chime in with their disapproval because they don't believe in someone's lifestyle. Do you want anyone tell you or have a say on you can have sexual relations with? Or what clothes you should or should not wear? Where you can and cannot be? If your answer is no, then why do we continue to infringe on others right to choose and to be?

On Bahamians given asylum in Canada

Posted 25 March 2014, 8:49 a.m. Suggest removal

rachelg says...

I implore you to come out your ivory towers, just because you don't hear about it, doesn't mean it doesn't exists. Most asylum matters from the are LGBT. The Bahamas had a transsexual who was granted asylum in the last few years as well. She was a really nice lady and was threatened daily because of her lifestyle. So, before we comment on things we have no knowledge about and discard of, ask yourself if it were you, would you want someone to be commenting on yourself when they have no prior knowledge of your life or circumstance.

On Bahamians given asylum in Canada

Posted 24 March 2014, 2:56 p.m. Suggest removal

rachelg says...

Conservativeness has kept people in slavery for many years. Accept change and maybe you will get ahead. LGBT Issues is human rights issue especially when your right or freedoms are being violated on, discriminated against and sometimes even killed and swept under the rug. The Bahamas needs to come from under their rock, because they will miss the sunlight.

rachelg says...

As a religious leader brought up and thought a way, i can see why Myles may have an opinion but he reference the wrong platform for his opinion. The Carribean history is riddled with people who kill others that don't share their same view points. Mostly these crimes are in some way related to sex. Whether straight or not. Mitchell was merely referencing the need for Caribbean countries to be accepting of human rights relating to gay issues as this is something we all sign on with relation to international treaties with the UN. He also referenced his personal experience with the issues to his homeland to the caricom body to show he too experienced this injustice and to bring humanity to the issue. All speakers are thought to do that, even Myles himself. On numerous occasion he reference his experiences in his teachings. And Mr. Munroe is a man who was paid by an international gay group for speaking at conference, he was there for 3 days to speak at an AIDS and Gay function over art the Atlantis. I think he needs to visit his memory banks it was less than 2 years ago. Over 90 % of the room were local and international gay members.

rachelg says...

Pass the Freedom of Information Act! Watch alot of dirt come to light, and watch a change in our crime.

rachelg says...

Haiti was the first country in the West Indies to have independence. Yet although having this independence they have been on a path of corruption and intolerance and hence the outcome. Do not follow this trend. Do not allow any religion or majority view negate human rights. A right to live, a right to love, a right to chose, and right to be. For those that thump for God, remember if he truly was intolerant, sin would not be in existence today. Just like many stories from the Bible, it showed what happened when he destroyed the world because of sin, and at least both of these occasions, sin still continued. So trying to segregate a class of people from the next won't change the fact that it is in existence. What your problems solved? Fix them by agitating your leaders, your community, your family, and yourself. We are a nation of lax people. We make a lot of noise among ourselves but we don't take it where it needs to go. Progress and Fight seems to have died with Mandela. Where are the Luther kings, the Mandelas, Ghandis, Milks or even the CB Moss or the Rodney Moncurs? LOL, he agitates the Bahamas government a lot when you look at it.