Comment history

rawbonrbahamian says...

we need for all honest citizens to have the right to bear arms. We are sitting ducks. also we help the criminals by putting every shooting on the front page of the newspapers in a tourist nation. how stupid can we get. it empowers the shooters and make them feel invincible. we are "bigging up" the criminal. it also lets the tourists know that crime is the most important thing in the bahamas because it is always on the front page of every paper.

On Man shot dead in Fox Hill

Posted 5 August 2018, 6:31 p.m. Suggest removal

rawbonrbahamian says...

Cudos to you. Excellent insight and post

On Families beg court ‘Save our homes’

Posted 2 August 2018, 7:46 p.m. Suggest removal

rawbonrbahamian says...


rawbonrbahamian says...

Halt what. When I was building my house in Eleuthera, the inspector told me that if I laid another block without a permit that he would arrest me. I stopped immediately and went and paid for and got all necessary permits. so if I (25th generation Bahamian) had to do it the right way, then we all have to do it the right way.

On Halt the bulldozers

Posted 31 July 2018, 12:27 a.m. Suggest removal

rawbonrbahamian says...

Do any of these waste management firms have the capacity to turn waste into energy. If its the same old burning, then its a waste of money and a continued hazard to the health of the Bahamian peolple

rawbonrbahamian says...

why don't we leave Cubans alone and let them continue on to America they get refugee status in America they r welcomed there. Cubans don't want to be in the Bahamas

rawbonrbahamian says...

Again appointing and hiring inexperienced and uneducated ineffective employees because of politics

On IDB decries zero Gov’t management progress

Posted 1 December 2015, 7:03 p.m. Suggest removal

rawbonrbahamian says...

isn't it time that we got a lie Flight helicopter those ambulances cannot pass through all that heavy traffic during peak times

On Two new ambulances handed to public hospitals

Posted 1 December 2015, 7:01 p.m. Suggest removal

rawbonrbahamian says...

it is the same thing in the construction field nobody wants to address the issue but Bahmar ould not finish because of theft and unskilled labor sent by politicians. The same thing happened at cotton because each and every time the government send someone there for a job you had to hire tthem even though they were not qualified

rawbonrbahamian says...

It's not about solar power. Its the high rise in the sea levels and tides due to global warming. it is expected that we will lose 20% of the Bahamas due to high tides and the United Nations does not want to give us a lot of money because they don't expect the Bahamas to be able to recover. If you think about it once the sea level rises above the island there's nothing you can do. Hurricane Joaquin just showed us that. There are now permanent ponds from the sea rising and coming on land on certainvlow lying islands. Also we can't expect the UN to give us the same amount as other nations that produce something. We are already producing nothing without a great effect from global warming who I'd going to give us more to produce less than nothing. Its happening in Florida also. The coast lines are receeding. It is expected that miami Tampa, Jacksonville and new York will suffer the greatest loss from their huge ports

On Christie again speaks out on climate change

Posted 1 December 2015, 6:34 p.m. Suggest removal