Comment history

rdonaldson says...

I have recently visited this site and was amazed at the transformation it has undergone.
The people working there was so very helpful and courteous - I thought I was in a different place! The site was orderly and fenced in at the entrance. It was so easy to drive in and simply drop your small load off.. I was not hassled for a tip but I gave one willingly.. This is simply great and I applaud the Minister for achieving such a high standard in such a short time.
Great job!

rdonaldson says...

How about offers to help instead of comnplaining. Now is not the time!
We are all Bahamians. Do your part!

On rdonaldson

Posted 2 September 2019, 11:35 a.m. Suggest removal

rdonaldson says...

Sorry, but the IMF, IDB or OECD are not responsible for the mess we are in today. However, the greedy and dishonest PLPs have raped the country and enriched themselves. We went to these institutions for loans and financing, not the other way around. If the monies were spent for the projects they were borrowed for, then we would probably be in good shape. It is people with your mentality who feel that they can borrow and steal without consequences. The country need to pay off its debts, but you want to borrow free. Well pal, it does not work that way in the real world.
now what i have a problem with is the many politicians who are getting away with not paying off their loans and financing and leaving it for the government (which are you and me) to clean up their mess and pay off their debts. It is not fair for these people to be riding around in their fancy cars and showing off their big housres and expect us to pay off their debts. They should not own a car or a home if they owe government-owned entities. The government should sell off their homes and cars to pay off their debts and still make them serve time in jail.. It is disgusting that yoiu can find fault with the IMF, IDB and OECD. but not a word about these parasites living off poor people. Sure, we will feel the pain until the country is back on its feet, but in the meantime, let me hear your views on what should happen to the corrupt politicians and "all for me baby" crowd.

rdonaldson says...

Hear, Hear, I agree!

On Discontent brewing at National Insurance

Posted 4 December 2012, 7:27 p.m. Suggest removal

rdonaldson says...

I agree. Integrity is surely lacking at the top of the food chain!

rdonaldson says...

It is only fair that since there is to be an "investigation" into the allegations at nib, both Cargill and Moss should be suspended until the mess is sorted out. This should happen NOW since one has already been suspended. From what I have read, Cargill seems pretty straight up and Moss leaves a lot to be desired. He certainly does not seem to be working in the best interests of Bahamians. Looks like he couldn't wait to get his hands in the jar and does not want Cargill around to remind him that NIB is funded by Bahamians for Bahamians. At the rate he is going, NIB will be broke before we can say "jack-rabbit". The sooner we get rid of him, the better!!

rdonaldson says...

This comment was removed by the site staff for violation of the usage agreement.

On Killer bug: 5 more infected

Posted 3 August 2012, 4:34 p.m.

rdonaldson says...

It is a shame that Mr. Cartwright could not have been remembered when he was alive and needed assistance from his party. Shame on Mr. Christie for using this man's death to advance his political agenda.

rdonaldson says...

The only reason, in my opinon, why the DNA leader would rush to the bedside of this 17 year-old is to garner votes for his party. Bran, please.....

rdonaldson says...

Don't these people realize what damage they are doing to the country! How can they expect raises if no money is coming in from the airport. They are ruining this country and I have very little sympathy for them. Holding the government hostage is not the answer right now. The Union is very very irresponsible. Sure they might win a little now, but in the long run we all lose and they will be the biggest losers. I personally hate Unions. All they cause is trouble with very little benefit except for the Union bosses getting very big salaries. And really that is the bottom line. The Union bosses have to hang on to their jobs.

On Customs and Immigration workers strike

Posted 6 April 2012, 11:16 a.m. Suggest removal