Comment history

realityisnotPC says...

Thank goodness we do not generate nuclear electricity. BPL can barely keep regular gas turbines running. If the usual attitude of sloppy maintenance and union interference was applied to a nuclear facility, we would have a nuclear meltdown disaster within months of it being commissioned.

realityisnotPC says...

I wonder if "SP" is a real person, or just an account based at the Chinese embassy...SP= Sino-Propaganda?

On China to fund new hospital

Posted 14 May 2024, 2:21 p.m. Suggest removal

realityisnotPC says...

One hour should be fine for domestic.

On Rudeness by agent for Bahamasair trip

Posted 16 April 2024, 11:54 a.m. Suggest removal

realityisnotPC says...

"I love the People's Republic of China"? I guess Mr. Sands doesn't value things like freedom of speech, freedom of association and democracy!

realityisnotPC says...

Maybe this is why the PLP ministers spend all their time in other countries, so they can enjoy good cell service…and they can make the Bahamian people pay their roaming charges, and their first class flights, and their five star hotels, and their Michelin star restaurant meals…sickening how these guys use the Public Treasury to finance their luxury joyrides all over the world. And now we hear the PM is in Saudi Arabia…guess he heard they had some really nice hotels and restaurants there. Mitchell is even worse, but the irony is that he hates foreigners in his own country, but loves nothing more than being in their countries, living life on the hog, smoking cigars and all the rest.

realityisnotPC says...

You should also apply to have their bank records revealed. This Committee has made a string of absurd decisions contrary to the interests of the communities that will be impacted. They ignored the most obvious truths. I cannot think what makes people with a little bit of power do completely absurd things other than getting paid off.

On Transparency from Town Planning Committee?

Posted 16 November 2023, 10:09 p.m. Suggest removal

realityisnotPC says...

All of this opposition stinks. Atlantis simply doesn't want its guests to have any decent or familiar alternative to their hugely over-priced products where $30 for a starter and $70 for a main course is the norm! Imagine being able to feed a family of 6 for less than what it costs to feed just one person in most Atlantis restaurants. They should be in favour of more choices for their guests and be willing to compete by offering more reasonable choices.
The restaurants that Wendy's have opened in Nassau in recent years are the most attractive, sophisticated, architecturally innovative Wendy's restaurants anywhere in the world, and they actually lift up the charisma of the areas where they are situated. Rather than guests arriving at Atlantis seeing Wendy's and thinking, as was suggested by one opponent "OMG why have I spent my money to come to such a down market resort", they are more likely to think "wow, even the Wendy's here looks amazing". Not to mention that the only guests passing this site on their way to Atlantis will be the ones going to the Coral Towers, aka the least expensive part of Atlantis, and probably the people least able to afford the extortionate prices of the Atlantis restaurant offerings...they will be thinking "Thank goodness! We won't have to bankrupt ourselves every day just on feeding ourselves".

realityisnotPC says...

Anyone has got to be better than hateful and xenophobic...the irony of him being Minister of Foreign Affairs when he hates foreigners. I guess his love of spending millions of dollars of taxpayers' money flying first class all over the world must outweigh his hatred of foreigners. In a First World country the amount he, and Brave, spend on unnecessary, luxurious travel here there and everywhere would be a career-ending scandal. But let's face it, whoever replaces him will probably do the same thing, just with a little less hate.

realityisnotPC says...

Town Planning and DEPP all going crazy in recent years...happy to change zoning and ignore local concerns in several cases, always ruling in favour of the deep-pockets developer who wants to put up 8 or 9 storeys in the middle of low-rise residential. People of Goodman's Bay got screwed and more screwing probably to come; people in Balmoral about to get screwed and even the wealthy in Lyford Cay getting that case it's ironically by one of their own...I guess the love of money is greater than the love of community in that case. The decisions these bodies have allowed have all been contrary to local resident wishes and contrary to the stated mission of these bodies...and obviously so. I hope there hasn't been any secret "incentivising" of the decision makers.

realityisnotPC says...

Shame to see any government brazenly and wantonly breaking the law...shows we are nothing but a third world banana republic...and then the "politicians" who behave in such a childish and disrespectful way expect to be respected by their citizens and by other world leaders. What an embarrassment. Still, the vulture lawyers will be happy to tell the FNM they can win, then bill them extortionate fees to keep enriching themselves no matter the final result in court.

On Legal threat: PM tells FNM ‘bring it on’

Posted 30 September 2022, 11:31 a.m. Suggest removal